View Full Version : Whats would be a good basic flexible light kit to rent?

Aaron Koolen
July 25th, 2003, 10:56 PM
Hi guys.

I'm going to be helping a local Animal Rights group shoot some basic interviews with people and most of them will be "on the street" style and shot as is where is, but there will be one with a more notable person where we may want to look at lighting to some extent. I don't have a light kit and for just one job would rather just rent something, so I was wondering what you all recommend for something cheap (This is $0 budget basically) that would do the trick. Needs to be easy to use and quick to setup. IF it's cheap enough I'll hire it for a day beforehand and do some tests, but it might come down to hiring it and doing the interview on the same day without ever using one before.

I guess just basic 3 point lighting would be fine or even a back and reflector might be ok - what do you all think regarding quick and dirty lighting?.

This is going on a local TV channel but doesn't have to be super pro quality. It's the content that's more important.


Jacques Mersereau
July 26th, 2003, 08:30 AM
>>shoot some basic interviews with people and most of them will be "on the
>>street" style and shot as is where is . . .

You might want to go out with your camera and scout some locations
that have good foot traffic. Take a friend along to use as your test subject.
I like spots in the shade under trees or awnings . . . out of direct sunlight.

I am not sure about being able to rent any kit for free, but if you have
a local university or college, and know someone who goes to it, you (they)
may be able borrow a small kit from the film and video department.

Aaron Koolen
July 26th, 2003, 03:27 PM
Thanks Jacques. I may be able to get a little money to rent something simple with, sorry if I sounded like I literally meant 0 money. Thanks for the suggestions though


Hugh DiMauro
July 28th, 2003, 11:23 AM
Believe it or not, your local hardware store or Loews/Home Depot has clamp lights with highly polished reflectors which can accommodate up to 300 watt bulbs. Buy some aftermarket clamp-on 12" barn doors and you "own" your own lighting kit. The clamp lights go for about $8.99 a piece and the 12" barn doors (pair) are 24.99 each ($16.99 for the 6" barn doors) at B & H Photo/Video in Manhattan (my home away from home). I use them and they are great, especially if you want to duplicate ambient lighting in a room with existing tungsten table lamps.

Aaron Koolen
July 28th, 2003, 03:33 PM
Thanks Hugh. For sone reason i can't find this big silver reflector lights here in New Zealand. I know they must exist but I've rung hardware stores and specialist lighting stores etc and no GO. Also because this shoot is for someone who's not just myself and will have someone notable there I'd like a reasonably good looking kit - if I can.

Cheers though