James Curran
June 24th, 2008, 10:48 AM
Hi all. I am in the process of purchasing a Sony HVR-Z1E camera. Can anyone recommend a good tripod? My knowledge on this is very limited, so any advice will be much appreciated. (I'm based in Northern Ireland, UK). Thanks.
Mike Beckett
June 24th, 2008, 11:40 AM
Hello from just up the M2!
What is your budget? Approx UK prices are below:
These I think are non-starters:
£30 - Cheap tripods. Don't even go there
£160 - Libec 650DV - it'd be fun putting a Z1 on those!
£200 - Libec 950DV (still a bit flimsy - not sure I'd trust it with my V1, let alone the bigger Z1)
These fall in to the "OK" category - strong enough, though not perfect:
£400 - Libec LS-38 (much more robust - will hold the Z1 easily)
£400 - Manfrotto 503HDV with 525 2-stage legs. Whether this is better than the LS-38 is debatable.
£600 - Vinten Pro-6HDV (503HDV head re-badged, with heavy, sturdy Vinten legs)
These are the good guys!
£1000 - Starting price for a Vinten Vision 3. This is where you want to be if you can afford it!
£1200 - Starting price for a Sactler DV6SB.
The Vinten Vision and Sachtler models are the start of the "serious" tripods, and it's where I want to get sooner rather than later.
Unfortunately, there's no NI-based dealers that carry a really good stock, at least not that I'm aware of. So it's kind of hard to try before you buy.
Martin Mayer
June 24th, 2008, 11:42 AM
We use Vinten Vision 3s with our Z1s - once you've tried them, you won't want anything less, even if it means selling the family silver... :D
James Curran
June 26th, 2008, 06:36 AM
Thanks for all your advice to-date. One further query. If a teleprompter is being used in addition to the Z1E camera, what tripod would be recommended?