View Full Version : Premiere 2.0 severally interlaced...

Zach Stewart
June 24th, 2008, 10:27 AM
I shoot with a Sony FX1 in HDV mode. I then downconvert from the camera (using squeeze setting) through the firewire into the computer. I edit a SD Widescreen project and the footage looks severally interlaced. When I apply effects it becomes even worse. If I preview the original footage on my HDTV everything looks great.

Is there a setting I'm not choosing or is this a cause of the downcoverting from the camera? any help is appreciated.

Zach Stewart
June 26th, 2008, 11:27 AM
is there no one else out there having this same problem....???

when i edit in avid (my day job) using the same process I have yet to come across the interlacing problems that i encounter while using premiere. any help would be appreciated.