Stephen Eastwood
June 24th, 2008, 10:18 AM
what head would be a step up from th 503hdv? and what do you all recommend in terms of maybe not 1 step up but definitely better without going really expensive?
View Full Version : 1 step up from 503hdv? Stephen Eastwood June 24th, 2008, 10:18 AM what head would be a step up from th 503hdv? and what do you all recommend in terms of maybe not 1 step up but definitely better without going really expensive? Don Bloom June 24th, 2008, 02:05 PM IIRC the next up worth looking at is the 516. I had one for my full sized cameras and loved it. I hated parting with it but it was way too much head for small form factor cameras and the QR plate is different than the 501/503/QR577 plate so things didn't work going from tripod to multirig etc. IMO the 516 at about $500 is a really decent head that gave me a lot of good work for very little money and took a beating and kept on ticking. Having said all of that though, there might be something in between that I'm not aware of. HTHs Don Chris Soucy June 24th, 2008, 04:55 PM Gotta ask the inevitable question...........what do you consider "really expensive"? Or, in other words, how much dosh are you prepared to throw at this? Above the 503HDV in the Manfrotto stable are the 519 (have seen some negative reports) and the 516 (have seen some good reports - mostly from Don), tho' as Don says, the plates issue is a deal breaker if you have other Manfrotto stuff. If you want to jump ship from Manfrotto, it seems a good many of the alternatives are around $1000, tho' I think you could get a decent Libec or Gitzo head for less. CS Stephen Eastwood June 24th, 2008, 11:17 PM well currently I have a setup for larger cameras and its just too much for all h smaller cameras all the way down to the xhg1 and ex1 I have a large cartoni d600 and l504 and its way too much for the smaller cameras and way, way too much for the really small ones, so I picked up a 503hdv and 351tripod? not positive about the tripod number, but its soso, and while I may keep it around for a back up or stationary dolly head, I woudl like a nicer head for the small cameras, mainly one that can handle the xhg1/ex1 and lettuce, and if at all possible adjustable down to also handle the really tiny hg10/hf10 cams. Thats probably not likely without some added weight, but I can ask. Would love to be around or under 1000 if possible, but may go higher if I find it really needed. Matt Ryan June 24th, 2008, 11:23 PM I have a used 510 for sale with sticks, head rated at 22pounds load. Trying to get rid of some of my non used gear anymore. Selling for $150.00. Let me know if interested. Bought the tripod combo for $550.00 from B&H 1 year ago. Matt Ryan June 24th, 2008, 11:31 PM neglected to mention the legs are new than the head and they are the manfrotto 515MVB 100mm legs. Retail for $470.00. The head isa 510 which was replaced by the more expensive 516. Both rated the same weight capacity just the 516 is an upgraded model. The head retailed for $350.00 new. email me at c a l i m a t t 8 7 at y a h o o c o m. Price does not include shipping. Thanks! Matt Ryan June 24th, 2008, 11:35 PM sorry to post so many times in a row but found a description online of the 510 head. Here it is...510 Pro Video Head - $1349 - order in The 510 Pro Video Head is designed for use with the new generation of CCD and smaller state-of-the-art ENG cameras. The 510 incorporates all the features required by Broadcasters, including an advanced three-step drag system which ensures smooth, repeatable pan and tilt control, plus smooth stop and starts. The variable balance adjustment with return to the centre allows for finger tip control. Supplied with leveling bubble, quick-release plate, secondary safety lock and two telescopic pan handles. For cameras between 8.8 and 18.7 lbs. |