View Full Version : 1st Music video with two EX1's

Vaughan Wood
June 23rd, 2008, 06:47 PM
We have been shooting some country music videos for "Country Crossroads" producers (a cable network community channel program) and this it the first clip we've done with two EX 1's. (Budget stuff)!

The guy couldn't lip sink for nuts but we got around most of his errors (you'll notice often the first word or so of a line isn't on a tight shot).



Andy Nickless
July 2nd, 2008, 02:34 PM
The guy couldn't lip sink for nuts

He's got a good voice (but he's trying to sing notes below his range).

Did you think about white balancing the cams, or is that for effect?

Lovely location though. I'd have liked to see some more creative shots - maybe looking through from behind the trees would have been worth exploring.

Vaughan Wood
July 2nd, 2008, 07:34 PM
The cams were running idential set ups all the time.

Some shot effects in hindsight would have been better in black and white or sepia, and our shots were very limited by the rough terrain.
(It's by Melbourne's Yarra river, in an inner suburban park)

Our budget takes are limited to 3 - 4 runs with two cameras, but his syncing was so bad we virtually threw out two run throughs.

The best takes were when he sung to his wife, when the emotion came through and he forgot about the cameras.

Believe it or not he's getting attention as a Johnny Cash impersonator in Norway!

Thanks for the feedback though.

Cheers Vaughan