View Full Version : Selling dowloadable videos

Robert Morane
June 23rd, 2008, 04:51 PM
Create Space offer a service for selling video dowloads through Amazon, unfortunatly it only works for PC (and only with Windows) What about Mac owners?
Any suggestion? I have a documentary to be distributed in DVD but we would like to sell it as download as well. Thanks

Chris Davis
June 24th, 2008, 07:22 AM
It looks like you only need a PC to purchase and download the video (through Amazon Unbox.) You as a video producer do not need Windows. Unless your video is called "How to do ______ with your Mac", I don't see a problem.

Robert Morane
June 24th, 2008, 12:01 PM
Unbox is a solution for custommers owning a PC. My question is about custommers owning a Mac.

Chris Davis
June 24th, 2008, 12:34 PM
Sorry, I thought your question was about you as a Mac owner being able to sell through Unbox.

From what I understand, the only DRM that runs on a Mac is in iTunes, therefore, the only way to distribute rights managed video to a Mac is through Apple's gateway. You could keep an eye on TuneCore. Currently they only support selling songs and music videos on iTunes, but you never know when that may change.

Robert Morane
June 24th, 2008, 04:38 PM
Yes, Tunecore seems great and I was hoping for their video service to be ready this summer but it seems Apple is not ready to open their store to inependants producers. My product will be ready at the end of July. So, if anyone has suggestions I would appreciate..thanks