View Full Version : Pro 2.0 upgrade to CS3 and Cineform question

Bruce S. Yarock
June 18th, 2008, 09:00 PM
We have been using Premiere Pro 2.0 with Cineform Aspect HD. We recently upgraded to CS3 and installed it. We opened some clips that were captured in in 2.0 with Cineform and in the timeline they show lines through the video until it is played. We also noticed that Cineform was not present in CS3 (no Cineform project options and no Cineform transitions/effects). The video footage when played looks much sharper and higher quality than in 2.0.

My questions are:

1. Will Aspect HD work with CS3?
2. Is Aspect needed with CS3 or can HD footage be edited without it?
3. If needed, which version of Cineform do we need?

Bruce Yarock

Richard Leadbetter
June 19th, 2008, 01:30 AM
1. Yes, or CineForm wouldn't be making much money from Aspect HD going forward!
2. You can use NEO Player but you lose the Premiere-specific acceleration engine.
3. NEO Player as an absolute minimum, Aspect HD would be ideal, Prospect HD or above if you're using 1920x1080 footage.

With regards your initial point, you've basically installed a new version of Premiere. The CineForm components don't keep a constant check of your hard disk so they don't know that CS3 is there.

In your position I'd be getting hold of the latest Aspect HD from the CineForm site, uninstalling the old one, then installing the new one. Job done, balance is restored to the Force.

Bruce S. Yarock
June 19th, 2008, 05:33 AM
Thanks for the info. Btw, what is the "neo player''? Also, any idea why the footage looked so much better in cs3? Does it have to do with having no Cineform compression?
Bruce Yarock

Richard Leadbetter
June 19th, 2008, 09:29 AM
NEO Player is the CineForm VFW and DirectShow decoder. I also believe it contains a revised Premiere importer. It is free from and allows you to share CFHD video with people who are not CineForm customers. It is basically the same decoder found in all CineForm products.

I've no idea about this quality issue. You're not being very clear on what the footage is, whether it's in the CineForm codec or not etc etc etc.