View Full Version : Question about uprezzing Scarlet footage.

Phillip Hudson
June 17th, 2008, 01:24 PM

This subject came up over at I'm wondering if using Cineform to uprez Scarlet's 3K footage to 4K and then projecting at 4K will be better than downrezzing to 2K and projecting at 2K?

The theory I'm working with here is that with a 4K projection, I'll see all of Scarlet's 3K (2.35K) resolution and resolved detail. While with a 2K projection, the most I could see is 2K.

Someone mentioned that uprezzing introduces artifacts to the image and would outweigh the benefit of the extra preserved detail. So, how well does Cineform handle uprezzing and do you think that uprezzing 3K to 4K (and projecting in 4K) would be better than down rezzing 3k to 2K (and projecting in 2k)?



David Newman
June 17th, 2008, 05:00 PM
If you are in the first 10 rows, with perfect eyesight, and you work in the film business, you may just the notice between a 2K and 4K projector. If you could A/B the projectors (you can't), then you might just notice at row 12-15. I have played with 4K projectors and they are very nice, you just don't experience the difference without going to an Imax format. Pixel size to viewing angle of today standard theatres doesn't require 4K. I wouldn't be concerned. Upres 3K RAW to 4K RGB will work just as will as down-ressing to 2K.

Phillip Hudson
June 17th, 2008, 07:34 PM
Thanks, David.

David Taylor
June 18th, 2008, 06:53 AM
Phillip, there is another reason why 2K will be indistinguishable from 4K for Scarlet source. Remember Scarlet will be 3K Bayer. You will (almost) never project Bayer source. When you finish your project in post, at some point you will render to a traditional YUV or RGB format. When you render you will also DeBayer. DeBayered 3K material after conversion to RGB has inherent spatial resolution that is only modestly larger than 2K. The "accepted" ratios often used by people for conversion of spatial resolution is that the RGB-equivalent of Bayer source data is about 70% - 75%. If you use 75% of 3K (3072), your RGB-equivalent spatial resolution (horizontally) is 2304 pixels, only modestly larger than 2K.