View Full Version : Project underway in Vegas Trial -1st question

Bill Thesken
June 16th, 2008, 07:39 PM
I have a project underway in the Vegas Pro 8 trial program which I downloaded, it works great and I've decided to purchase it. Will the purchase over-write my project? Should I hurry up and finish with the 13 days left on the trial, or go ahead with the purchase knowing that my clips will not disappear. I guess the program is already downloaded and the purchase will just give me a key to keep it. Thank you in advance to anyone with advice.

I've been scouring this website for advice on all sorts of subjects for the past 3 weeks but could not find this in a search, so decided to ask my 1st question.

Andrew Kufahl
June 16th, 2008, 08:42 PM
You shouldn't experience any problems purchasing right now. If you are concerned then I would recommend backing-up your project file(s) before moving forward.

Jeff Harper
June 16th, 2008, 09:18 PM
Andrew is correct, of course. You will not experience any problems. Just have your project saved, and back it up. You should always save your project twice anyway, each save to a different hard drive.

Bill Thesken
June 17th, 2008, 02:59 AM
Thank you, I double saved to a Sandisk, and put in a safe. Might as well, since it takes so much time to do the filming, and upload the clips. I shoulda known better, but lucky for me there's DVinfo to set me straight. Got nearly 100 hours into this so far and it's only a short. Will post a trailer soon to Vimeo.

“A hot dog at the ball park is better than steak at the Ritz.” - H. Bogart

Edward Troxel
June 17th, 2008, 06:30 AM
When you get your serial number, go to Help - Enter your serial number...

Then you'll be registered and ready to go. No need to install anything! However, it may continue to read "demo" on the title bar. You could then finish the project without fear of losing anything (even though you wouldn't lose anything even if you did uninstall and reinstall)

Compare it to uninstalling Word. Even though the program is no longer there, all of your Word documents would still be available to you and if Word was reinstalled, it could then still open those files.

Bill Thesken
June 17th, 2008, 01:42 PM
It worked like a charm. It re-installed online and input the serial numbers for Vegas Pro and DVD architect with one click of the button, all my files were unchanged. Thanks for the advice.