View Full Version : Photon Software :@)

John Jay
July 23rd, 2003, 09:10 PM
ok, I know that what I am looking for can probably be done in 3D applications like Maya or Softimage

What I really would like is a tailor made application for lighting a set, maybe it exists then please tell me ...

Essentially, the application would have all the necessary data for the popular lighting types eg Windows, Open Face, Fresnel, Softbox, Tungsten HMI Flo etc in their various power options and sizes

The application would have 3D models of assets to place on the set eg Talent, Furniture, Props etc with a simple interface - drag and drop

The way it would work is to scale up a set from say photos taken before a shoot, place the assets within the set, then arrange the lighting accordingly.

The application would then render the scene (raytracing?) and show where any lighting issues need to be resolved, then by moving the lights adding gels etc, these issues could be addressed

when an optimum has been achieved in software, the actual arrangement on set would mimic this ideal

The application would serve two useful purposes

1 be an education tool to acquire good lighting knowledge

2 save time rigging a set and therefore cut production time

does it exist I wonder?

Barry Rivadue
July 24th, 2003, 06:32 AM
What a great idea! I'd be very intrigued by such software.

John Jay
August 10th, 2003, 02:44 PM
found this -- looks promising