View Full Version : Newbie question

John Wyatt
June 14th, 2008, 02:24 PM
I'm new to Vegas (Movie Studio Platinum 8 version of Vegas), and I can't understand how to access trim information about a clip. If I drag the front and/or end of a clip on the timeline to shorten it, I want to later be able to see this information so I could reproduce the in/outs in a different program.

Edward Troxel
June 14th, 2008, 03:39 PM
You might try looking at sub-clips.

Graham Bernard
June 15th, 2008, 12:04 AM
I want to later be able to see this information so I could reproduce the in/outs in a different program.

Do you mean:

A] A different editing program?


B] A different "video" project "program"?

If "A", then sub-clips, if Movie Studio Platinum 8 does sub-clips. If "B" then NO, sub-clips are NOT transferable to another editing program.


Ian Stark
June 15th, 2008, 12:26 AM
Would an Edit Decision List be useful here? (Appreciated that Vegas simplifies the things going on in a project down to crossfades and a single track.)

Or how about .aaf? Anyone successfully working with that?

And finally, re subclips, does Copy Media With Project create a new clip that can be used as an ordinary clip?

Just some early Sunday morning thoughts!

John Wyatt
June 15th, 2008, 10:44 AM
Thanks for replying everyone. I do want to use another program, but EDL compatibility (even assuming the lite version of Vegas can output such a thing) is not essential; I am thinking in terms of a manually-written list I would make myself (assuming I can view that sort of information: the subject of my query). Imagine a normal editing situation: having tens of different clips, each with their in/outs changed and butted-up hard against each other on the timeline. When I'm happy with the trims, I would like to later select a clip and be able to read somewhere it's trimmed in/out (relative to the clips original length, not relative to its position on the timeline). I can do this on other NLEs (such as Edit Studio Pro), but can't find the equivalent in Movie Studio. In fact, I can't see the file name of a clip on the timeline either, which makes things a bit difficult. When I have this list of information, I can reproduce the cut sequence in another program using the original files (I need the in/outs in order to do this). I haven't looked in the help files yet for subclips because editing is done on another machine, but can someone briefly tell me where it's found (and what it is!).

Many thanks.

Ian Stark
June 15th, 2008, 11:23 AM
Ah, I must confess I did not take into account the fact that it's Movie Studio. Should've read your post properly. Durrrrr.

I'm not really up to speed on what's in that version, sorry!

Edward Troxel
June 15th, 2008, 11:54 AM
In fact, I can't see the file name of a clip on the timeline either, which makes things a bit difficult. When I have this list of information,

View - Active Take Information

You might also want to check out: View - Edit Details.

John Wyatt
June 17th, 2008, 09:23 AM
In View/Active take information, you get the name of the file Vegas is addressing. However: View/Edit details menu does not exist in Movie Studio (must be Pro-only version). Thanks everyone for your help.