View Full Version : Korn
Bill Grant June 13th, 2008, 02:32 PM Ok, so here's the thing. I am a fan of heavy metal. Always have been, and still love it to this day. I have a couple we shot on May 25th who are gothy type heavy metal people. He says though, his favorite band is Korn. Hers is System of a Down. I am currently editing the open, and I am using Korn's Chutes and Ladders for the opening. It is very heavy, with a very heavy crunch but all of the lyrics are nursery ryhmes. I love the idea of saying to hell with the family and make this video for them, but what do you guys think...? I'll try to post a few mintues of it when I get it done. The thing was shot very static with some camera moves, but mainly trying to get good composition and steady shots. There's no way Korn will ever match weddign footage no matter what, but it fits with this bride and groom. I do have as a backup, the String Tribute to Korn, and System of a Down. Whatya think?
Here's a link to the song...
Travis Cossel June 13th, 2008, 03:07 PM I would seriously consider talking the couple into doing a "trash the dress" type of shoot and use the music with that. I think that for a wedding this type of music just isn't going to fit and also isn't going to stand the test of time. You might do something cool with it today, but 2 years from now the couple might really regret not having something more romantic and fitting. The string version might work.
I say this with my own passion for this kind of music, so it's not that the music doesn't fit my style or taste. My favorite band right now is Bullet for My Valentine.
Ethan Cooper June 13th, 2008, 03:19 PM Bill - I say go for it man. Cultivate your own style, carve out a niche in this mostly homogenized world of wedding videos. What do you have to lose by trying?
Dennis Murphy June 13th, 2008, 03:32 PM What the hell? Says "This video is not available in your country". Damn! I'm in New Zealand.
Old school Korn fan here, so I'm gutted I can't see it.
Anyway, go for gold I say!
Ethan Cooper June 13th, 2008, 03:40 PM If anyone can't see the video, it's just a link to Korn's own music video for the song. I'd like to see what Bill does with it himself.
Dave Blackhurst June 13th, 2008, 03:51 PM Strangely, I can actually see how one could make a great video with that song... if the couple is into some staged shots (trash the dress might not be a bad idea...), you actually could have a good deal of fun with it!
The whole nursery rhymes bit should make for some fun shots IMO! Take a few minutes and script/storybook out some shots, I think you're mind will run wild! MANY possiblities methinks!
Perhaps not "timeless" to some, but priceless to the couple if this is their taste, and I think I'd do it without a second thought, just for FUN!!!! I do have an odd idea of fun though <wink>!
Travis Cossel June 13th, 2008, 05:05 PM Strangely, I can actually see how one could make a great video with that song... if the couple is into some staged shots (trash the dress might not be a bad idea...), you actually could have a good deal of fun with it!
The whole nursery rhymes bit should make for some fun shots IMO! Take a few minutes and script/storybook out some shots, I think you're mind will run wild! MANY possiblities methinks!
Perhaps not "timeless" to some, but priceless to the couple if this is their taste, and I think I'd do it without a second thought, just for FUN!!!! I do have an odd idea of fun though <wink>!
That's why I think this is a perfect situation for a trash the dress type of video. The song is edgy, and a perfect fit for that type of video - especially with the nursery rhyme lyrics. It doesn't have to be timeless because it's a unique production, whereas the wedding is more of a timeless production. Either way, I'm excited to see what comes of this.
Andrew Kimery June 13th, 2008, 06:58 PM Voice concerns about it maybe not being timeless etc., etc., but I wouldn't try to talk them out of it. Since they are into metal they probably wouldn't like the typical sappy, drappy, mushy, cliched wedding music anyway so it comes down to does the couple want to make a wedding video they think they'd like or a wedding our cultural norms say they should like? The string tribute might be a nice compromise and it will also provide an instrumental only track which may be preferred if the lyrics don't fit or "over power" the footage. Maybe do something where you start off w/the actual song then cross fade into the string tribute where appropriate.
On one hand it might not be timeless but on the other hand they might look at it 30 years from now and smile remembering their wild and crazy youth. As other posters have mentioned just go crazy. These don't sound like typical people so don't give them a typical wedding video.
Travis Cossel June 13th, 2008, 07:07 PM I guess my point is that I'm really into hard rock and metal myself, but that doesn't mean every aspect of my life fits with that. I might love rocking out to some Killswitch Engage, but I might not really want my wedding video edited to that.
If that's what these guys want at the end of the day, then go for it, but make sure they've thought it through. That's all I'm saying.
Plus, I think you have an opportunity to create more business here. Tell the couple you'd love to edit their wedding video to their style, but that you think this particular song would work awesome for a trash the dress video, which would cost $XXX. Who knows, you might be able to have the best of both worlds here.
Don Bloom June 13th, 2008, 09:24 PM it's too bad Dave Bonner doesn't have many wedding samples posted anymore. He did some very creative stuff with some very out of the box music. This is going back more than a few years.
Bill Grant June 14th, 2008, 03:45 PM You know,
The thing is. I have some time. I just finished the May 17th edit and it is burning, so I have a few days to mess with this. I might do it just for them, and then drop over the string version for the family. But, you're right, they're not traditional and I need to push the envelope a bit. Maybe use Braveheart instead of Pearl Harbor... :) I have the first 1:30 cut already. The song starts with a minute of bagpipes, so even if I cut it then, that might be enough eventually... Thanks for the comments. I'll post it when I'm finished.
Rick Steele June 15th, 2008, 04:06 PM But, you're right, they're not traditional and I need to push the envelope a bit.BillExactly. Don't buy into this, "they might regret it years from now" nonsense. My music tastes have certainly changed over the years but I'm not ashamed of being young once.
Give them something they'll like now and they'll still love it 50 years later.
Travis Cossel June 15th, 2008, 05:14 PM Exactly. Don't buy into this, "they might regret it years from now" nonsense. My music tastes have certainly changed over the years but I'm not ashamed of being young once.
Give them something they'll like now and they'll still love it 50 years later.
It's not nonsense, and I certainly wasn't saying he shouldn't do it. I was simply saying you should consult with the couple and present to them the possible downside. If they still want to do it, then go for it. But I've noticed a lot of these young couples aren't really thinking ahead much at all, which is why so many of them don't even consider the importance of videography. So I guess I don't see why it hurts to consult with them on the issue. It certainly isn't nonsense. I think it's actually a very valid point.
Rick Steele June 16th, 2008, 08:08 AM you should consult with the couple and present to them the possible downside.What is the "downside" to making something that reflects who the couple really is... today? It's not up to us to prejudge and hold prejudice to their likes and dislikes. I never understood this self imposed responsibility we seem to have which requires us to see the future and decide that people will be ashamed of how they were in their younger life.
Don Bloom June 16th, 2008, 08:33 AM I have to agree with Rick.
I am a child of the 60s which had some of the most forward thinking and best music I've heard then and now. Guess what I still listen to.
Cream, Zepplin, Hendrix, Grass Roots, Joplin,Iron Butterfly and of course the Beatles. There are many more that escape my old and getting weaker by the day mind;-)
I say 'go for it'. Do something out of the box, be different, make it something that's memorable for THEM and if in 50 years they say 'why did we use that music?' ... well that's then, this is now.
Travis Cossel June 16th, 2008, 10:05 AM You guys are completely missing my point. Let me state something very clearly.
I am not saying he should not edit this client's video to the song in question.
I would appreciate it if people would stop assuming that's what I'm saying. My point is that he should consult with the couple before he proceeds with editing. Just because they are into metal doesn't mean they want their wedding video edited to metal (unless they told him so in advance - and if that's the case then he hasn't told US that yet). I really don't understand the harm in consulting with the couple. I mean, he's creating the video for THEM, right? So in a case where he's contemplating some out-of-the-box editing shouldn't he run his idea past the couple first? What's the harm?
Also, Rick, the "downside" to not consulting with the couple is that maybe they did NOT want their wedding video edited to metal music and if that's the case then Bill is going to make them unhappy, and nobody wants an unhappy client.
Also, just because something seems like a good idea initially doesn't mean it is. The other "downside" is that maybe the novelty of having your wedding edited to metal will wear off after the first few views. I'm not saying it WILL, so please don't misunderstand me yet again. I'm saying it MAY. So it is something that the editor and the couple should discuss to MAKE SURE that this is what they want to do. Again, I don't see the harm in having a discussion.
I've said a number of times now that I think if the couple and the editor have a discussion and the couple still wants their video edited to metal, then the editor should go for it. So once more, just so none of you miss my opinion on this again ...
If the editor and the couple have a discussion and the couple still wants to use metal in their wedding video, then the editor should go for it and have a fun time.
Thanks for reading.
Travis Cossel June 16th, 2008, 10:09 AM Just a simple case in point. I had a couple that recently couldn't think of what to edit their highlights video to. They said they wanted upbeat and edgy, but didn't have a song in mind. So I put together a list of songs and emailed it to them.
After several days they got back to me and chose a song that was NOT on the list and was NOT upbeat and edgy. It was much more mellow and romantic.
The moral of the story here is that INITIALLY they thought they wanted a certain style, but once they took some time to think it over they changed their mind and picked a different style because they felt it fit them and their wedding better.
Bill Grant June 18th, 2008, 07:07 AM Well,
Here's the thing. There are 2 points here. #1 I won't do it if it isn't awesome when I finish. It has to be mind blowingly good or I won't use it. It is taking a risk to use the song and it will have to really work to use it. #2 In our initial consultation, the groom asked if I could use Korn in there somehwere. What I will probably end up doing is using the intro to this song with its bagpipes, etc. and cut to something like Led Zeppelin for the rest. They haven't sent in they're music form but all we've talked about is this type of music. And, like I said they used the string version of "Toxicity" in their wedding...Bill
Travis Cossel June 18th, 2008, 11:55 AM #2 In our initial consultation, the groom asked if I could use Korn in there somehwere.
That changes everything. I was under the impression that you knew this couple liked this music, but not that they had specifically requested that you use some of it in their video. If they've requested it, go for it.
Bill Grant June 23rd, 2008, 10:24 AM Ok so here is a first draft. I still need to go back and do some color correction, etc. but this is their version. I have done a second version for everyone else... I will just nest this version in with the other on the final DVD and make 2 copies. Like a theatrical release and a director's cut. Anyway here you go, flame away...
Travis Cossel June 23rd, 2008, 01:13 PM Sorry, Bill, but it just felt completely off to me. Partly it's because for me (personal opinion) the music just does not fit the event, but it's more than just that.
I also feel like the shooting and editing style don't match the music at all. The music feels like it needs a more raw and edgy style of shooting and editing. I would expect more drastic camera moves (instead of soft gliding shots) and much faster and chaotic editing and maybe some cool "grungy" effects. I understand that you probably couldn't shoot much differently since you had to also produce a "family" piece, but maybe you could have taken more chances in the editing and really pushed things. I also didn't like all of the actual audio that was present in the beginning because it wasn't really helping the piece and was more of a distraction.
I hope you don't see this as "flaming", though. I'm just trying to provided a critique based on my own opinions. Thanks!
Bill Grant June 23rd, 2008, 01:46 PM no problem Travis,
I am not a gungy type of shooter, etc so that type of thing is hard for me. good note about the nat audio in the beginning. in all my years of doing this, I haven't been able to sort out how to get the footage to "match" the music. I shoot basically the way I know best. I can't understand how I could do it any differently without having the song picked out. this was just an experiment anyway, I don't have the time nor am I being paid to turn it into a Korn video. You know? Thanks for the reply...
Travis Cossel June 23rd, 2008, 01:56 PM Well, that was part of my point. You had to shoot this with "family edit" in mind, and that type of shooting doesn't really fit with the Korn music, so there's not much you could do differently with the shooting other than try to shoot BOTH ways on the day. While that's maybe possible, you also didn't know you were going to do a "Korn edit", so you didn't even think to shoot that way. So the shooting is a non-issue other than I still feel (as you probably do) that it doesn't match the music.
As for editing, I understand you aren't getting paid to produce a "Korn edit", which is why one of my original arguments stands. If you aren't getting paid to do it, and you aren't going to invest the time to do it right because of that, then just don't do it. I don't know your couple, and maybe they will love this just because of the music in the background, but for me it just doesn't do anything. The editing style is so distant from the music style that it just doesn't work for me.
Personally I still think you're missing a golden opportunity here. Rather than give them a mediocre intro edit with Korn music in the background, why not upsell them on doing a trash the dress video with the Korn music? That way you have an opportunity to shoot the video in a way that fits with the music (and the lyrics even!) and you're now getting paid to edit the video properly ... AND the couple will probably love the result and show it to all of their friends (free advertising!). Just my thoughts. Thanks for listening, and good luck!
John Moon June 23rd, 2008, 02:08 PM Bill....I say go for it. If it were not for John Michael Cooper pushing the envelope a bit we might still be looking at all those awful posed shots. Be dynamic and go with your gut. The couple will love it and its for them. If anything it will display how diverse you are. I'm a little biased though...we just shot a TTD to a Breaking Benjamin song. :) Cant wait to see your edit.
Travis Cossel June 23rd, 2008, 02:51 PM I'm a little biased though...we just shot a TTD to a Breaking Benjamin song. :)
Make sure you post that!
Bill Grant June 24th, 2008, 07:16 AM I scrapped it. It's not my style of editing or whatever. I'm not a filters, sctrachy, film effects kind of dude. I used Led Zeppelin "all of my love" it fit a little better, and honestly feels better to me. It is a break from Rascall Flatts and I think they'll like it. Thanks for all of the input.
Travis Cossel June 24th, 2008, 11:50 AM Sorry it didn't work out better, Bill. At least you tried something new, though. That's more than a lot of videographers do.
Ethan Cooper June 26th, 2008, 08:00 AM Bill - I didn't wanna be the guy to say anything negative since I was the one pushing for you to go for it, but it just didn't work. I don't think the edit fit the song. It's good that you decided not to force it.
David Mathew Bonner June 27th, 2008, 11:50 PM I have to agree with Rick.
I am a child of the 60s which had some of the most forward thinking and best music I've heard then and now. Guess what I still listen to.
Cream, Zepplin, Hendrix, Grass Roots, Joplin,Iron Butterfly and of course the Beatles. There are many more that escape my old and getting weaker by the day mind;-)
I say 'go for it'. Do something out of the box, be different, make it something that's memorable for THEM and if in 50 years they say 'why did we use that music?' ... well that's then, this is now.
Hey Don,
Thanks for still thinking of me :)
Did I ever show you my "A day in the life" groom prep cut?
Full wedding, first part is weak, bad audio but hand in, it gets better.
David Mathew Bonner June 27th, 2008, 11:58 PM I scrapped it. It's not my style of editing or whatever. I'm not a filters, sctrachy, film effects kind of dude. I used Led Zeppelin "all of my love" it fit a little better, and honestly feels better to me. It is a break from Rascall Flatts and I think they'll like it. Thanks for all of the input.
too bad,
its soooo much fun to edit that way, for real.
but yeah, edgy music without edgy footage just doesnt feel right...
stick to what makes you money and 'your style'
it's who you are. I tell my clients, this is your world through my eyes. That's as simple as it gets.
Bill Grant June 28th, 2008, 10:04 AM You see DMB,
I was afraid you would get involved here :) Thanks for the comments. I would love to get that style under my fingers but the editing just doesn't suit me. Mainly because it would be much more time intensive than my ADD brain can handle. I need to have clean cuts so I can move on. Thanks again.