View Full Version : Magnolia Theatre - XDCAM feature Jue 19th

Dutch Rall
June 12th, 2008, 04:26 PM
- The Incurable -

Dallas Tx. Landmark's Magnolia Theatre at 8:pm on Thursday June 19th 2008

A micro-budget indie feature shot with the XDCAM HD 330 will be playing and dvinfo.netters are invited.
Be advised: it's a meditative, Arthouse film... no explosions or ninjas in car chases... and it's for adults.

More information, teasers etc at

Come say hello and let me know you're from dvinfo if you show.


Godfrey Kirby
June 13th, 2008, 02:25 PM
Dutch - Miriana looks stunning and the clips make you want to see the rest of the film. Well done. Might have gone for a little more 'Promist'..... but, hey - that's very 90's. Micro budget - Macro promise. Hope 'Cast & Crew' party went well. If you can get it to the other side of the pond, I promise I will go to see it....

Dutch Rall
June 13th, 2008, 09:08 PM
Thanks Godfrey,

There are a million things I would like to have done that weren't in the "budget," which was what you might call... challenging.
Filters are certainly one.

And yes it's true, the camera does seem to like Miriana.
Hope it can get over to your side of the world in some form other than Amazon.
We'll see.

And! the screening isn't until the 19th!! Next Thursday!

Put on your Bergman berets, your Kieslowski caps and see you there.

Warren Gentry
June 19th, 2008, 06:07 AM
The teaser looks good. I'm curious as to how XDCAM looks projected at 4K. Good luck today and let us know how it turns out.

Mitchell Skurnik
June 19th, 2008, 12:48 PM
If you make this available for purchase I'll buy a copy :)

Dutch Rall
July 4th, 2008, 03:55 PM
I apologize for the slow response. I've been doing too much at once.

The screening... went really well. Sold out. Made a profit. $5 more than the per-screen average of the #1 film that day... the press release would read "Incurable make Hulk angry" or something like.

I ended up having to run off of a camera at 17mbs (because of the TRT... and the camera says 17, not 18. maybe this is just in 23.976?) component connections.
Through the 4K and onto the BIIIG screen, it held up well. The further back the better in my opinion. Wouldn't have wanted to sit in the front row... but many did and no one complained.
Importantly (to me), people wanted to discuss the film as a film afterwards, not just say "good job." The whys and what-fors. The fact that the only thing said about the visuals was that they were "beautiful" and not some discussion on "what did you shoot with" was w o n d e r f u l.

4K-I thought the reds were too saturated when the scenes were dark. Blues and greens with a lot of light looked amazing. No control over this on the cam end. I had exported it to disc without rendering a composite safe effect because I wanted to see the movie as richly and vibrantly as possible at least once before putting it out on dvd. So, I'm not sure how much of what fault lies where. Again, no one complained. Just me being a control freak. Detail was fine. Not film, but it told the story. At $22 dollars an hour for media, I couldn't be happier.

If anyone wants to screen something in Dallas, The Magnolia did a great job and the guy in charge, Clayton, took the time to make sure tickets, posters, etc were all perfect.

There is a new festival coming to Austin this fall and I hope the actual premiere can be held there without having to do a film transfer. Hope to push out to disc onto the new 50G at 35mb per second or bite the bullet and rent an HDCAM deck. We'll see.