Elijah Lynn
June 11th, 2008, 12:36 PM
Should captured footage that was taken on a XL2 in 30p mode show up as interlaced in certain softwares? From what I understand 30p is kinda wrapped up in a 60i container, well not really but anyways. In Premiere project settings and everything else I should treat it as progressive right?
Piotr Zubik
June 11th, 2008, 02:54 PM
From what I remember, some time ago I had my project always set to standard PAL (interlaced 50i - forgot to change it after I sold my old Sony handycam) in Premiere Pro 2.0 but when I captured progressive footage from my XL2 in the interlaced project, it turned out progressive instantly and I didn't have to change anything in the settings. But it was only PP2.0 so I have no idea what about other software...
Elijah Lynn
June 11th, 2008, 04:24 PM
The footage definitely turns out as progressive (visually). I am using PPro2.
We accidentally set up a interlaced project and have progressive footage in it. It seems to be doing ok.