View Full Version : Some forum downtime this evening (Tue. June 10th)

Chris Hurd
June 10th, 2008, 01:30 PM
Hey folks, sorry for the short notice, but the DV Info Net community message boards will be offline tonight (Tue. June 10th 2008) for a short time, while we do some fence painting, weed eating and grass cutting. Shouldn't take long.

Chris Soucy
June 10th, 2008, 05:00 PM
Do you have a "pull the plug time"?


Chris Hurd
June 10th, 2008, 05:57 PM
About five minutes from now (sorry)!

Chris Soucy
June 10th, 2008, 06:01 PM
Thats a bug.........aaaahhh!


Chris Hurd
June 10th, 2008, 06:56 PM
And we're baaaack... in less than an hour.

You'll notice the "who's online" box which used to run at the top is now found only at the bottom; it'll return to the top of the page shortly. User profile pages now have photo albums built-in; our Image Gallery remains open for now but the personal albums are probably a better way to share photos. The most recent uploads are thumbnailed at the bottom of the forum index page (video sharing capability coming soon!) -- if anything appears to be broken as a result of this upgrade, please let me know.

Pietro Impagliazzo
June 10th, 2008, 07:27 PM
I see the gear box, just filled it.

Now, how about the pics? How can I create an album??

Chris Hurd
June 10th, 2008, 08:35 PM
Okay, permissions are set:

Controls > Pictures & Albums > Add Album > Add Picture.

Open to all registered members, but the usual disclaimers apply -- this is a family-oriented, kid-friendly G-rated site -- no questionable or inappropriate images -- what is questionable or inappropriate? Easy... if you think it might be questionable or inappropriate, then it probably is (use discretion, and all that good stuff).

Chris Soucy
June 11th, 2008, 12:45 AM
Was I seeing things/ having a "Senior Moment" when you first came back - I could have sworn there was a pretty swank logo up in the top left corner of the screen, outside the bordered area (it may well have said "DVI" in swank, but I didn't really have time to analyse it too thoroughly). It weren't the usual DV [i] in circle, tho' that may have been there as well.

Two or so page changes/ dives into new/ updated areas of DVinfo and there it was - GONE!

Never been seen again.

Apart from the piccies at the bottom, nothing much seems to have changed. I still can't find the "Reviews" section (geez, you hid that one well).

Bit of a worry, you having moved the "active members" to the bottom (if even temporarily), I can't tell whether I'm in, out, shaking it all about or just plain dead and deleted!

Bugger of a place to scroll down to if you're the latter.


Chris Hurd
June 11th, 2008, 05:13 AM
Hi Chris, that "other" logo was the default image that comes with the software, I've attached it below so you can take another look.

The new picture albums in the user profiles isn't the only thing that's changed -- they're just the first thing that's changed. Much more to follow on a hopefully not-too-gradual basis. What happened here last night was almost invisible, but critical... sort of like swapping out building foundations. It might not look like much, but there really is a new platform now underneath everything upon which to build more features.

This was unrelated to our "Articles" section, which is still accessed by the "Articles" link found in the blue bar at the top of every forum page, but that too is also in the paint shop right now, and when it re-launches you'll really notice it. And it's getting pretty close to being finished...

The who's online / active members box is coming back to the top of the page; it's only temporarily gone while I suss out some differences in templates between the old version of the forum software and the new one. Hope this helps,

Chris Soucy
June 12th, 2008, 03:52 PM
Huh, well, well, well, you finally Googled DVinfo!

What a cracking move.

I like the new Sponsor banners at the bottom of the threads too.

This is like Christmas every single day, every time I fire it up there's sommat new here.

Great stuff, Chris, keep 'em coming.


PS: I guess it wasn't such a "Titanic" suggestion after all.

David Knaggs
June 14th, 2008, 01:22 PM
Hi Chris.

A very minor request (after the forum upgrades).

I've noticed that the time is now given in dark grey numbers (against a deeper blue background) near the bottom of each page. Would it be possible to have the time given in white numbers (to reduce the eye strain)?


Chris Hurd
June 23rd, 2008, 04:10 PM
Sorry for the wait, David -- I went with black. Had to consider all the different background colors on various parts of the page where the time appears. Not a perfect solution but better than it was hopefully.

David Knaggs
June 23rd, 2008, 11:30 PM
Thanks, Chris. Yes, I saw your experiment with the red numbers and was momentarily alarmed when I saw the red numbers all over the main forum pages. So I agree that you've come up with the best compromise. The black is completely readable and is a 100% improvement over the grey. Thanks again.