View Full Version : XH-A1 Audio Question

Mike Watkins
June 9th, 2008, 05:28 PM
Up till this past weekend, I've been inputting only 1 audio channel into my a1 from a sound board feed with no problems. However, I recorded a piano recital with a lav and shotgun mic into separate channels, straight into the camera's xlr inputs, and now that I have 2 separate channels in FCS2. The problem is that I can't get them to pan to both channels if FCP. Channel 1 only plays in the left channel while channel 2 plays only right side.

When I try to duplicate the track and pan each channel to a "dual mono" set up, there is no information panning to the opposite channel, and nothing plays out of the right side. (left channel panned right = no sound on right channel)

Is this an issue with my camera settings or is this how the A1 records. The audio also glitches in Soundtrack Pro, where I can't correct the problem there either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If this needs to be posted in the NLE forum, please move it.


Mike Watkins

Dan Herrmann
June 9th, 2008, 06:26 PM
Did you have your audio levelson and did you see that both channels were picking up a different signal while recording?
If so copy the audio output to another audio track in your time line and have one forced left and the other forced right.
Now you have one video track and two audio tracks (both mono of the left and right)
Then take the two new mono channels and use whatever when you want.

But you need to verify that you recorded two separate signals.

Do it all the time and also use a zoom recorder for a 4 channel in situations like yours to create a 5.1 output. Perfect for recitals, weddings, etc...

Mike Watkins
June 9th, 2008, 07:01 PM
But I can't pan them to center and achieve a mono signal out of both speakers. Lav was used on channel 2 for the piano instructor/mc while the shotgun was placed in the grand piano. I would like the piano piece to play out of both lef and right channels during playback, but when i try to duplicate the piano track, and pan it to the center, it still only plays from one speaker, and loses volume as I pan to the opposite speaker.

But yes, I do have 2 distinct channels. Jusy can't get them to play out of left and right at the same time.

Thanks for the reply.

Dan Herrmann
June 9th, 2008, 07:51 PM
And played with Vegas (Not up to the other two all inclusive).

Lt me know your software and I willl give you step by step.

Did you just try and copy tracks and mack them mono?

Premeire allows you force a 1 sided Stereo Track to the other Track.

IF you have two signals I can help.

EVEN Liquid can do that.
At the end of the day (if you do not have the programs) you record your single track to another recording and have two recordings and just sync it up.

We will get this done.

Dan Herrmann
June 9th, 2008, 08:00 PM
Please do that first.
Then make the tracks mono.

Unlink the tracks from video
Click on the audio track and then paste it to another audio track.

you should be able to pan but since that does not work we will get you two tracks.

I fly to Tulsa for a one day shoot and will be back later in the week. I will see where we are at tomorrow night from the hotel.
I have all my programs on a Dell M6300 and can look at it.

At my studio I have xeon quad cores and one has sony on it and an old DV station had liquid.

this all depends on your software. in the meantime go to your software site forum and post the question.
if you received two signals then you just need someone to show you how to take them mono. EVEN the 100 dollar edit programs can do that

Mike Watkins
June 10th, 2008, 05:48 PM
Thanks for the help!!

Had to unlink them, copy and paste, then relink them. SHHAAZAAAMMM!!!

I really appreciate this site.


Mike Watkins

Dan Herrmann
June 10th, 2008, 08:32 PM
You know I just reviewed your original question and see that you identified your editing platform.I seem to have a bad habit of looking at the issue and skipping the details.
anyway I am happy to see that you solved your own problem.

Good luck and hope your project turns out the way you envision it.