View Full Version : education authority madness!

John Estcourt
June 9th, 2008, 08:31 AM
Hi ive just received an email from one of the schools that I was due to film in next week stating that the education authority will not allow private businesses to make profit from children and that due to this the school could not have the summer show filmed this year.
Absolutely incredible, would they prefer i filmed for free. I even profit share with the schools PTA, they get a percentage of the disc sales to go towards buying equipment etc for the school or as last year the money went to a local charity that the school was supporting.
Has anyone else ever come across anything similar?
I know for a fact that one other school locally had a show filmed recently by another company and i have filmed for the same school for the last two years.
Not sure where to go from here , madness!
Any opinions, thoughts on what to do
cheers john

Giroud Francois
June 9th, 2008, 08:53 AM
just reply them " no money, no cameraman, no movie".
after all they should know if they want the movie or not.

John Estcourt
June 9th, 2008, 09:04 AM
hi Giroud,
the thing is the school headteacher does want the show filmed so this is beyond belief!
I have now left a message for the authority to phone me back i have a burning question for them as it would appear to me that this 'ruling' also effects school photographs as im sure the guy doesnt do it for the love of it.
The World seems to have gone mad with PC and child protection to the extreem.

Colin McDonald
June 9th, 2008, 10:58 AM
Which local authority is this, John? As you say this would apply to school photographs as well - an essential part of the pastoral care support (because the schools get a copy of the photos) - so unless the authority have the personnel to do this themselves for all schools, it's a real shot in the foot. This is the kind of thing the Daily Record would love to hear, but I wouldn't do that (yet). Perhaps the parents could bring some pressure to bear. I'm sure we could come up with lots of other examples of private businesses to making profit from children - school meals for example? This is totally against the principles of 'best value' and contracting out.

John Estcourt
June 9th, 2008, 11:46 AM
hi colin, it would be south ayrshire education dept. ive tried phoning but they are always 'in a meeting'. at the moment im on to a contact in the PTA who cant believe it. hopefully they can put pressure on to reverse this nonsense otherwise this could spread to other education depts..fingers crossed because i will be out of pocket having purchased music licenses , tapes disc cover design the show is 6 days away!

Steven Davis
June 9th, 2008, 03:04 PM
I hope you are not under contract, if so, I hope it swings your way.

As for the post above about no money no camera, I have to agree. At this point, I'm sure the issue is more than the money is worth. I'd move on.

Or you can film it and just blur all the children's faces out. Silly stuff.

Rick Steele
June 9th, 2008, 04:27 PM
This is a typical attitude from an entity that gets its reveune from tax payers. They are not held accountable for the money they spend so actually *earning it* is strange concept to many in the U.S. educational system.

School administrators don't understand what "win-win" is. I know because I married one. :)

John Estcourt
June 9th, 2008, 04:35 PM
well from the digging and phone calls ive made it would appear you have to be an 'autherized' company to make money from the schools.
, autherized by the education dept sounds like a carve up.
I spoke to a pro photographer friend who was also met with the same response, he was told that only one company is autherized to shoot photos at schools..doesnt sound exactly legal to me.
The only other person to shoot photographs at this school gave every penny to the school apparantly..yer right! he was member of the PTA!

lucky no contract except a verbal/ email agreement from school requesting the filming on the two days so i will live with the loss and be wiser next time.