View Full Version : Problem with activation of Prospect 4K.

David H. Wilson
June 7th, 2008, 01:08 PM
I am (with great thanks) upgrading from Prospect 2K to 4K but have encountered a problem with my activation.

Having proceeded through download and activation without problem, I now have an issue. The email I received with my activation code employs a syscode: C415-xxxx but on attempting to enter the activation code the "Enter Key" registration form reports a Hardware fingerprint of BF9B-xxxx.

On attempting the activate with my user name and activation key I receive "The name/key you entered does not appear to be valid. Please try again."

It is my understanding that "Hardware fingerprint" and "syscode" are one in the same thing and that the syscode identifier is immutable (doesn't change). In the past this computer has always reported a fingerprint of C415-xxxx and did so during the registration process. However now on attempting to active the Hardware fingerprint reads: BF9B-xxxx which is not what I believe to be the fingerprint of this computer nor my laptop nor my former computer. I have no record of that fingerprint. I am assuming the syscode/fingerprint of my computer does not change when I change Cineform products.

Any help here would be so greatly appreciated. I am currently locked out of using Cineform having exhausted a trial version of Prospect 4K previously.

Many thanks, I am exceedingly hopeful and excited about working with Prospect 4K.

David Newman
June 7th, 2008, 01:36 PM
Use the new one. System codes can and will change.

David H. Wilson
June 7th, 2008, 01:40 PM
Thanks David, limits of my knowledge...