View Full Version : out of curiosity: re-rendering, pressing Enter

Richard Wakefield
June 3rd, 2008, 03:27 AM
Hi all,

Since i've had Premiere, PPro CS2 and now CS3, i've always avoided pressing Enter to re-render (or pre-render?) footage.

now i've got a friend who i've found out presses Enter religiously to do this.

why do you need to do it, and does it help in the long term of schemes?

if my understanding is correct, it just helps to watch complex sequences on the time-line, but in turn makes large render files on your hard-disc, and can be i right? how many other people do this??

the reason i'm asking: i've switched to HD editing, and as soon as i have 2 or 3 layers each ith plugins, it <obviously> stutters, but i just get on with it. maybe i should be re-rendering these parts then?


Tripp Woelfel
June 3rd, 2008, 07:11 AM
Richard... In the olden days, before HD, rendering the timeline would speed the processing when exporting the final movie. With DV, for example, the DV codec was used in both the source clips and the final output. In that homogeneous environment Premier would use those rendered previews when building the final movies and could make the output process faster.

With HDV the metric changes a bit as the environment is no longer homogeneous. Typically I don't output final movies in the same format (codec and compression settings) as the source clips. I'll output to Cineform, flash or some other format depending upon the delivery medium.

It seems that PP CS3 does not now use rendered portions of the timeline in building the final movie, at least not with the Cineform codec, so I see no benefit in rendering any portion of the timeline unless I really want to see how that segment will look in the final output. I don't know if other codecs function differently.

In that context I think it becomes a personal preference. I've not seen any reports that rendering is good or bad.

Richard Wakefield
June 3rd, 2008, 07:15 AM
brilliant answer, cheers very much....i guess i 'might' use it during very complex parts, but other than that, leave it alone (as i always have done to be honest!)
