Andrew J Morin
June 2nd, 2008, 09:38 AM
I was just trying to see if this //could// be done, and I have failed. Bottom line is that QT simply does not support 64-bit, and the freeware "Quicktime Alternative" doesn't seem to talk to AE.
Has anyone else succeeded in getting Windows XP 64 bit (so you can run the system using greater than 2-3 gigs of RAM) running Adobe After Effects using Quicktime footage?
Devin Termini
June 4th, 2008, 10:30 PM
Navigate to the page to download quicktime using your 64-bit Internet Explorer.
Only then will you be able to download the 64-bit quicktime (it's still a 32-bit program, but it plays nice with 64-bit OS).
Hopefully this helps.
**Edit** Sorry I didn't read carefully, you are using XP64. I'm on Vista x64 so this action works for me. Give it a try though. Picture shows downloading the itunes+quicktime package. I suppose you could download the quicktime only package. But I can't seem to find it on the site...
Andrew J Morin
June 9th, 2008, 01:55 PM
I meant to try thiks over the weekend, and follow up with thanks. Never got to it, but I will.
And thanks for your reply, I had/have not tried that. I'm new to 64bit.
Cliff Etzel
June 12th, 2008, 01:27 PM
I use xp 64bit and QT works just fine - well, mostly. The only issue is that the actual play bar is black, but otherwise, I can play qt files no problem.