View Full Version : First post here

Boica Zsolt
June 2nd, 2008, 07:13 AM
First of all I salute everyone here on this forum. Im a wedding videographer and this will be my first post here. I made this wedding intro, for a wedding witch was on May the 3rd. Comments are welcome. Enjoy.

You can download from here:

Carl Wilky
June 2nd, 2008, 10:59 AM
I would like to start by welcoming you to the forum.

A few things i would like to mention about your video in the overall scheme of things is that some of the effects are just a tad over the top, meaning that they take your attention away from the video. For example, the effect you have on the titles are just a bit too much, the soft focus is effect is too strong...

The other thing i would suggest is try to remove the loud sneezing you hear in church towards the end of the video.

Hope this was helpful and good luck.

Boica Zsolt
June 2nd, 2008, 11:13 AM
Thanks for the reply Carl. This intro is mainly for the titles, to preset what is all about, I think thats why I did so many effects on them, but you are right. They do distract the viewers eyes from the video. Thanks for the advice on the audio too. Good thing that this wedding is still under production :D.