View Full Version : Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #9

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Vidar Vedaa
June 11th, 2008, 03:34 PM
This round Trond, I have lisend to your word have fun and take it as it com.
I have been werry busy the last week.But wee got 1-day diving and it was great.
Hope you get the PC.Dont now so much about premier use Final cut.

Best Regards

Mat Thompson
June 11th, 2008, 04:27 PM
Hey Vidar, what were those shots taken with? Look great fella....very nice indeed!

Oliver Pahlow
June 11th, 2008, 05:12 PM
I spent spent Monday and Tuesday of this week trying to capture something, anything that resembles wildlife. On Monday I crossed paths with hundreds of little, baby frogs crossing a path. I got some good shots, but it would have been cool to get some macro shots. I'm using my standard vx2100 without anything fancy. I'm not sure if it is usable but I thought I would share some scren shots with all of you anyway.

Oliver Pahlow

Trond Saetre
June 12th, 2008, 04:09 AM
This round Trond, I have lisend to your word have fun and take it as it com.
Yes, rule #11, to have FUN is the most important rule of uwol!

Vidar Vedaa
June 12th, 2008, 07:17 AM
Hey Vidar, what were those shots taken with?

Hello Mat

The clip was taken whid a sony A1,outside Bergen.But I missing a good Housing
Use a EWA bag, not the best in streamy wather.



Mat Thompson
June 12th, 2008, 10:30 AM
Ahh ok, thats interesting. It produces great results!

Ho are you finding the ewa marine bag? I'm thinking of getting one for my SLR as I'm diving in the Red Sea this Summer...

Meryem Ersoz
June 12th, 2008, 10:56 AM
On Monday I crossed paths with hundreds of little, baby frogs crossing a path.

It's always awesome to get good shots. But it's almost as cool to have interesting experiences. Too bad that you didn't have a macro option, that would have been amazing.

The wind is killing me this week. I hate trying to shoot in big wind. I guess I should look on the bright side. I'm not trapped in flood waters up to my eyeballs like Kevin....

Vidar Vedaa
June 12th, 2008, 12:33 PM
Ho are you finding the ewa marine bag?

The bag is limit to rec ,you have small manuel controll.But it make good results.
But I think for futures work a good housing is is a must.I think the weight is problem,
in stream I think EAW bag is imposible to hold stady.Light and motion my bee necst.



Dale Guthormsen
June 12th, 2008, 05:45 PM
Good evening,

Tronde, an older version of premiere would likly run.

Perhaps a trial software of one of the consumer prograns like ulead would do the trick????

meryem, I appreciate your trouble with wind!!!! we arre on our second month of winds 20 to fifty clicks everyday. windiest spring I can recall sense new mexico spring of 75!!!

We have had a week of needed rain and unrelenting wind. Rain spoiled my trek last week to bad lands for prairie falcon footage. Had a trek planned for tomarrow, that is not going to happen as it is still raining and you might get in the bad lands with 4x4s but you'd definitely have to walk out.

Looking like my second option is going to be the only option!!!


Dale Guthormsen
June 12th, 2008, 07:14 PM
Good evening,

Tronde, an older version of premiere would likly run.

Perhaps a trial software of one of the consumer prograns like ulead would do the trick????

meryem, I appreciate your trouble with wind!!!! we arre on our second month of winds 20 to fifty clicks everyday. windiest spring I can recall sense new mexico spring of 75!!!

We have had a week of needed rain and unrelenting wind. Rain spoiled my trek last week to bad lands for prairie falcon footage. Had a trek planned for tomarrow, that is not going to happen as it is still raining and you might get in the bad lands with 4x4s but you'd definitely have to walk out.

Looking like my second option is going to be the only option!!!


Bob Thieda
June 13th, 2008, 08:19 AM
Woo Hoo! My camera is on the FEDEX truck out for delivery...

Hopefully I can do something this weekend as next weekend is booked up.

Brian McKay
June 13th, 2008, 08:43 AM
Another I should have taken the camera moment....

This weekend will be my only opportunity to get out on the land to see if I can capture some wildlife on film. So to get ready I packed up my rifle last evening and headed to the range to fire off a few rounds to insure that everything is sighted and working would be a hell of a deal to be selected for dinner by a bear and have the gun go click not boom. Anyway all went well, everything is working properly so I headed home...came around a turn in the road and on one of the very few ice free lakes low and behold about 60 swans leasurly feeding.

Another rule for the book...take the darn camera no matter what.


Trond Saetre
June 13th, 2008, 02:03 PM
Good evening,

Tronde, an older version of premiere would likly run.

Perhaps a trial software of one of the consumer prograns like ulead would do the trick????

Thanks Dale.
I'll see what I can do. It will be my only chance to finish anything this round.
But if I don't complete, I will be back stronger and ready for the next round. That is a promise!
Good luck with your entry!

Martin Vavra
June 13th, 2008, 10:41 PM
My tale of woe is really a double-edged sword. I am a middle school science teacher, and we have been wrapping up for the year. So I haven't had much time since the topic announcement. I was actually fearing that I wouldn't be able to pull this off, and this was my first attempt at this. I have been trying to find a specific topic to focus on so my video would have a theme, but nothing I was wanting to do would walk in front of me to film.

Today was my big chance, but I had thought that I would only be getting pieces or fragments of what I needed. Turns out I got everything I could want from my shoot today. I shot for about 5 hours on the Northern Cali coast, an hour and a half drive from me, and got lots of fantastic footage. But when I started I was thinking 30 minutes, one hours tops. So after five hours in the sun in a tank top with my shoulders exposed to their first real shot of sun since October, my shoulders could now star in their own lobster video. I think if I place some pipe cleaners in the right places I could shoot a second video of just my upper arms, add some water sounds effects, and no one would ever know I wasn't shooting Maine Lobsters in their natural surroundings.

There was no way I was going to miss the shot for sun screen. So the next four days of pain are well worth the footage I got. Here's to hoping the end product will be worthy. I am excited for people to see what I can do.

Per Johan Naesje
June 14th, 2008, 02:18 AM
Well, this weekend will be my "final cut"-weekend. Have done a rough-cut already which is nice to my eyes.
I think I'm a bit lucky compared to some of you other fellows, that I already collected my footage. And in fact have it stored into my Mac.
But there is always hard to get the best out of the raw material. To build up a story. To make the small adjustments to get it right.
I'm also quite new to the Mac plattform, which make it a little harder, to get the grip on it. I have to look up in the manual how to make things right.
Good luck to everybody, it still plenty of time even if you have no ideas. As Trond use to say: First of all have fun!

Per Johan Naesje
June 14th, 2008, 03:10 AM
Just want to let you view a short footage of something I don't think is quite common.
As mention in an ealier thread by Victor Wilcox about the Great Egret.

In first part of May I got a phonecall from a friend of mine. He could tell me that a pair of Great White Egret was standing in the middle of nowhere, sourrounded by snow and there was partly ice-cover on the lake.
I rushed for it with my gear and got some very rare footage of this. As you may see in the picture below a pair of Great Egret in front of a pair of Goosander with the snow still cover the ground.
The Great Egret was very shy, so I had to shoot the footage with a 500mm (3600mm) on quite a distance to get this shoots.
I'm curious about if anyone has seen Great Egret in such an environment before?

Link to video footage: (1.5MB)

BTW, if this is off-topic, please move it to Under-water-over-land forum if required!

Catherine Russell
June 14th, 2008, 09:07 AM
Hi Guys:

Sounds like everyone has been active! I'll second Brian's rule of thumb... is it rule #66 by now? TAKE THE CAMERA WITH YOU! I might up it a notch and say, permanently afix the camera to your hand.... I was outside and this beautiful, lone coyote just strolled by, sat down to relax, smiled at me and winked... knowing that I didn't have a camera anywhere within reach. Ahhhhhh! But I got really lucky on some other surprise moments!

Meryem, were you filming the kayaking events in Lyons? The duck moment sounded like the million dollar shot!

Trond. NOT YOU FRIEND! No shark tank for you! Look, we are all family here. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS. We have a week left. Can you at least dump your footage somewhere from tape to digital files? If so, send them to me and tell me what to do and I'll put it together for you. I'll simply be the tech monkey and make it a movie. I'll do just as you say. I'm finished with mine, so I'd be happy to do this. At least you can get something in?

Kevin: Enter your movie of the 500 year flood into UWOL 9. It has nothing to do with wildlife, but it's a wonderful clip and shows how "wild our lives have become" with global warming.... just a thought!

Looking forward to everyones films.


Eric Gulbransen
June 14th, 2008, 09:26 AM
No ice around here Per, but we've definitely got Great Egrets. And the sounds they make while up in the trees mating and nesting? Holy moses it I was blown away. Sounded like they were speaking to each other, only with half a jar of peanut butter stuck in their throats.


Oh and Catherine, I feel your pain. Last night, due to wildfires blazing the hills around this area, the sky was filled with smoke which lit up the moon in the most ominous shade of hazy red - but I had no camera...

Dale Guthormsen
June 14th, 2008, 10:54 AM
Per Johan,

nice footage, I love the snow in the back ground!! All we get here are snowy egrets and the odd cattle egret. Would love to see a great egret, you footage is a good second best to a live one!!

New platforms: I moved to Vegas and I have had to do the same things!!! the manual is 400 pages!!!

I appreciate all the extra work you have to under go!!

Can't wait to see your entry!!!


what a great offer!!! gert at it !!

Vegard Paulsen
June 15th, 2008, 04:44 AM
Great footage boys!

here in Oslo there are no wildlife. Hehe.
Only people everywhere.

Looks like i may be heading for the shark tank this time.
I'm still stuck editing a big eventvideo that has to be finnished before i leave for the CEDIA course in London the 22.6

Good luck everybody!!

Peter Damerell
June 15th, 2008, 09:40 AM
Ha Ha. Just got the upload information...Haven't even had a chance to start yet!

I'm glad so many others seem to be getting great footage. Looks like Per has enough stuff to put together an entire series let alone a 3 minute clip.

Vaguely know what I'm gonna go for but will have a literally have a 10 hour window of free time to get all the footage I need. Bad weather or a no show from the wildlife will see me taking a second plunge into the shark tank...not good!

Good luck to everyone else.

Brian McKay
June 15th, 2008, 12:20 PM
My rough cut is done now writing the VO hopefully I'll find the time to pull it all together.

A single frame for you.....


Trond Saetre
June 15th, 2008, 04:28 PM
Trond. NOT YOU FRIEND! No shark tank for you! Look, we are all family here. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS. We have a week left. Can you at least dump your footage somewhere from tape to digital files? If so, send them to me and tell me what to do and I'll put it together for you. I'll simply be the tech monkey and make it a movie. I'll do just as you say. I'm finished with mine, so I'd be happy to do this. At least you can get something in?

Thank you very much for the great offer.
I plan to shoot some footage tomorrow or the next few days.

Unfortunately, the only computer I have access to, does not even have a firewire connection. So there is no way to even get any footage off the camera at the moment.
A friend of mine returns from out of the country in the evening the day of the deadline, so I might have a few hours to install an NLE, capture, edit, encode and upload from his computer.
But it doesn't look good at the moment.

If worst case happens, and I end up in the dreadful shark tank, I will be very selfish and keep it all by myself! All the rest of you will have to finish and submit an entry!! hahaha

Oh, and everyone:
Remember the rule of the rules.... #11: HAVE FUN!!

Per Johan Naesje
June 16th, 2008, 01:52 AM
sorry to hear about your computer trouble! If there is anything I can do, let me know? I could capture the tapes for you and send you the raw files back on CD/DVD if you liked? That way you could try to install premiere on your old pc even if you don't have any firewire.

Catherine Russell
June 16th, 2008, 06:57 AM

There you go! Per has stepped in to help too. Under the circumstances, I can't imagine Meryem not allowing a helping hand.... how is your hand by the way? Did you really get hit on your bike by a car? Are you okay? Perhaps Per can dump the files for you and if I get the files over the internet, I would be happy to put something together. Just to keep you dry this round. Per and Trond, I'm at your service if you should decide to go for it!


David Gemmell
June 16th, 2008, 07:05 AM

Good luck to you also with the computer - it must be very frustrating. I see the UWOL community is always keen to help where possible. Just another example of the wonderful people we have around us. I hope you manage to work things out.

I have started capturing all my material and think I have enough for a 3 hour documentary! Whilst this may seem good, it does add so much time to the whole process. Wish I had to select 3 minutes from maybe 30 mins to 1 hour of material. Anyway, it is working out I guess.

I have attached a still of some beautiful morning footage. In this shot, I am filming a flock of Red Necked Avocets. The morning light was a brilliant red which made the shots look very nice.

Catherine Russell
June 18th, 2008, 07:01 AM
Hi David:

Nice to see you back, we missed you last round. By the looks of your captured photos, you will not disappoint us this time, as always. So glad you are back!


Trond, I'm standing ready to splice a few clips together for you if you can manage dumping those files... don't be fooled by the warm inviting waters of the tank ;-), keep up the fight and get a snippet in!

Peter Damerell
June 18th, 2008, 07:05 AM
WOW looks like loads of players are getting some nice footage. Some ambitious projects as always which is nice to see!

Finally got a chance to go out filming yesterday (been spending most of the month preparing for a job interview with the BBC) and our initial idea of showing how easy wildlife films can be to make may have changed slightly.

After setting off at the unholy hour of 4am in our ...(thinks of suitable word)...unorthodox filming vessel, almost capsizing on numerous occasions (cameras not in waterproof housings), being blown onto a mud bank with a rapidly dropping tide (repeatedly), being stranded and having to wait 3 hours for the water to return, putting a significant hole in the front of our hull, being laughed at by every other water user and given a thorough looking over by the Harbour master we returned beaten, bruised, broken and a little damp from the 12 hour experience.

No idea yet if we got any decent footage but we had a riot of a good time despite near disaster.

Good luck with the final edits guys! I'm off to repair a boat.


Ps. Is Per ever going to run out of epic wildlife to film?

Trond Saetre
June 18th, 2008, 10:32 AM
sorry to hear about your computer trouble! If there is anything I can do, let me know? I could capture the tapes for you and send you the raw files back on CD/DVD if you liked? That way you could try to install premiere on your old pc even if you don't have any firewire.
Per Johan,
That is an awesome offer by a true friend!
Been away from computers the last few days, trying to actually get some useful footage. Read your message here today, and within a minute began trying to install Premiere Pro 2 on this pre-historic computer. Total dissaster, and the famous "blue screen of death" came by to visit. Just got the computer up and running again.
I will do one more attempt tomorrow morning to install Premiere again.

So at the moment, the helping hands from my friends Per Johan and Catherine won't help much. I might get access to another computer (with firewire) this weekend, not sure yet.

Not sure how I could transfer such huge files to you in reasonable time if I ever get the footage captured. Sending the tape to/from Per Johan will take at least 2-3 days, and internationally 5-6 business days. But I will keep your offer in my mind. Thank you very much!
The hand is almost completely recovered. No, I did not get hit by the car, but it was VERY close. (we're talking a few inches). I desided it would hurt less if I went off the road. So my bike and I rolled down a small hill into a trench instead of getting hit by that car, and I just hit a bunch of gravel and some stones instead.
I have been much more worried about visiting the shark tank, than about my hand, haha.

Catherine Russell
June 18th, 2008, 12:59 PM
Hi Trond:

I can set up a way for you to ftp some footage if you can manage to dump a few digital files from your tape. That way, larger sizes can come across rather than through email. Maybe if Per is the one dumping some of the footage for you he could be the one to ftp them over to me. We have 3 days left, right? .... I'm ready to pull an all-nighter if it comes to it. If I can get some footage by Saturday morning, I'll get something in for you by the deadline, midnight! It would be a real coup! Just send what you have to Per, now.... it could happen :).

Hopefully, Per it won't be too much work on your end? Just a few clips of some interesting happenings?


Chris Barcellos
June 18th, 2008, 01:12 PM
For large file transfer, try They have a free version. Also check out, and their free level service.

Mike Beckett
June 18th, 2008, 02:02 PM
Trying my best to get finished here - time is very short, only got about 1 hour left at the end of each day to get some editing done. Hope to get something pulled together by Saturday. Busybusybusybusy.

And I just can't resist an "Awwww" moment when I'm out looking for birds at the reserve. It was a long afternoon and I was hungry, and those plants looked pretty darn tasty to me...

Brian McKay
June 18th, 2008, 05:04 PM
After an hour and a half of upload I think my file made it but I'll be damned if I know for sure. Kevin/Meryem it's about 58 megs please let me know if it arrived safe and sound.

Thanks Brian

Mat Thompson
June 18th, 2008, 05:31 PM
Hey guys.

Well I don't usually let my cat out of the bag before the deadline but as everyone else is teasing then why the heck not ! :-)

I'm just hoping I can get finished...I have lots of subject footage but I think my story needs more establishing.....back out with the camera tomorrow me thinks!

Catherine Russell
June 18th, 2008, 07:57 PM
Hi Mat:

You have company with the snake there... and what a shot that is! What kind is it? Mine is a CO rattlesnake. It was the crown jewel of my video.

Can't wait to see your clip.... no hedge hogs to date?


Trond Saetre
June 19th, 2008, 03:54 AM
Seems like I will get access to another computer this weekend. So hopefully I will be able to at least deliver something this round. Will it be my best entry? Nope, far from it, but this round I will be happy if I can stay away from the sharks.

I want to say a big thank you to both Per Johan and Catherine for offering all the help.
It is very much appreciated!
The UWOL community is not only a contest, but has really developed into a great friendship, and that is very nice to see.

Thanks for those links.
I checked out the and it seems like a great option for sending large files.

Eric Gulbransen
June 19th, 2008, 08:28 AM
So I woke at 4am yesterday, took half the day off, and shot out to my destination with big ideas abound. Turns out 4am wasn't early enough. By the time I got there the sun had beat me to the punch. I think lesson #60-something, which was written by me, suggested keeping aware of the fact that large boats throw wakes. I had been shooting something close to the water's edge, saw a boat go by, then went back to shooting - only to get splashed a minute later when the wake hit the rocks I was balancing on. Well I'm a candidate for the idiot of the year award because yesterday, it happened again, only worse this time. At least this time I had an audience so my embarrassment could be shared with the locals. They're such nice people and it DOES feel good to bring such joy to the world.

Luckily only I got swamped - the camera was higher up on a tripod.

I have a story and six hours worth of footage. Somewhere. Saw a low voltage warning come across the screen about 75% through the shot. Said the Firestore was about to call it quits (which is odd because I had it hard wired to the Anton Bauer which still had enough juice to run a lawn mower). No problem I though, I've got tapes in the bag. Got home yesterday afternoon and couldn't get the Firestore to light up. Looks like it called it quits alright. I lost some of my proudest and most valuable shots. I'm sure Firestore can recover the footage, but it'll be worthless by the time they do because we'll be on UWOL-10 by then.

So am I defeated? Oh whatever. The best things in life never come easy to me. I'll try again tomorrow - only this time I'll wake at 3.

Here's the guy who cost me my cell phone ( When I reached into my pocket for it I pulled out a chunk of seaweed. Not good

Mat Thompson
June 19th, 2008, 08:53 AM
Eric....Thats gutting fella. But 10/10 for persistance! I guess thats the problem with hard drive systems....eventually they will fail! You just have to hope when they do its not when you've just taken that shot of a lifetime!

Eric Gulbransen
June 19th, 2008, 09:44 AM
Thanks Mat. You sound like you understand, all too well..

Just off the line with Firestore. They gave me a procedure of holding buttons down to get her started but nothing doing. It's DOA. Thankfully they were really nice and the device comes with a 2 year warranty. I figured I was screwed. Typically my stuff breaks within a month after the warranty dries up.

It's funny how visual we all are. Everyone's got thumbnail teasers. Got to remember though, there's more to this than meets the EYE ;- ) (

Mat Thompson
June 19th, 2008, 10:28 AM
That sounds fab Eric. I'm seal diving in the UK in T-minus 7.5 weeks....and counting! Can't wait to share the water with those fin nibblers!!

David Gemmell
June 20th, 2008, 03:46 AM
Hi Cat,

Thanks for your comments.
It's nice to be out of the tank and UWOLing again.
Looking forward to seeing what creative masterpiece you have come up with this round.

Take care...

Mat Thompson
June 20th, 2008, 06:18 AM
Cat: No I saw many hedge hogs before the challenge and as soon as it started.....zilcho!! Typical huh! But I have been very lucky to find a female adders den/basking area and its given me fantastic views of a rare creature. The snake is an Adder or Northern Viper...its the Uk's only venomous snake but not agressive at all.

Eric Gulbransen
June 20th, 2008, 11:50 PM
UWOL #9 will be only my second entry, but I will always remember it. I've been splashed by boat wakes - TWICE, I've have five hours of beautiful shooting ripped from the grip of my hard drive, I've woken at 4:30am and ended up over an hour LATE, only to wake up at 3:30am to do it all over again two days later. I slipped and fell on a dead Cormorant, reached for a rock covered in seal poop, dropped my lens cap off the top of a rock sea wall (nice sound, hearing such a piece bounce happily to into oblivion), and then finally today? I got caught (on a highway) right smack in the middle of a forest fire. Go ahead, try staying awake with two hours sleep in traffic not moving even inches per hour, while breathing dark brown smoke in a truck with no AC - for three hours. I tell you, if it weren't for the great idea to abandon the sweaty truck and film some aerial firefighting footage I don't think I ever would have made it home..

Field of nightmares (

Field of nightmares II (

Air support helicopter (

Air support plane (

Air support dump (

Air support helicopter II (

Empty house (

By the way, just in case you're curious - YES, I got all the shots I wanted for UWOL#9 (none of which are above), and then some...

Bob Thieda
June 21st, 2008, 09:33 AM
Well I needed a couple of more shots...when I woke up, it look nice out, but shortly it started to rain...dang.
I still need those shots, need to edit, have to do some VO and work out the music...
So...what am I doing.
Preping the walls in our spare bedroom so my wife can paint it today...

Tomorrow will be a busy day, I suspect... :)

Rob Evans
June 22nd, 2008, 07:32 AM
I had a bit of a last minute panic - I was due to record my VO on friday night. I picked up a sore throat on wednesday, and had completely lost it by friday!! Thankfully my wife stepped in to take over, and she has done a great job with it. Other wise it would have been a series or grunts, coughs and wheezes accompanied by a subtitles. Not good ;-)

Mike Beckett
June 22nd, 2008, 07:43 AM
That was a close one, Rob! I'm getting a bit sniffly, so I just about managed to voiceover yesterday before I started to sound too ridiculous.

Now the worst worry for me is "Adobe Premiere Pro is running low on System memory...". Eeek!

Edit: Also, during take one for the voiceover in the wardrobe of doom, I was concentrating too much to notice that someone downstairs was playing Johnny Cash. Loudly.

Ring of fire indeed.

Oliver Pahlow
June 22nd, 2008, 10:42 PM
Well, talk about last minute. I just uploaded my entry. It's a short one but that's ok.


Eric Gulbransen
June 23rd, 2008, 01:20 AM
Don't feel bad Oliver I came in just behind you. In fact mine may or may not have made it in time. Depends on your angle. It's like what we sometimes tell the gentleman police officer after getting pulled over after "Running a red light." My wife says it best - "Well officer, at least the front half of the car went through on time...?"

I have been up against one hell of a lot of drama in this entry, the worst of which I still can't put my finger on. Was it getting caught in a forest fire, or losing all five hours of shooting to my firestore. Either way you look at it, something got cooked...

I had to shoot my subjects THREE completely separate times over the last three weeks. Once because I can't get my new computer to access the files on my old raid array (yet), once because my external hard drive simply kicked the bucket with completely NO warning, and then the final time, apparently, because I love the abuse and somehow still had no footage.

Here's a fun fact for you, which you definitely won't believe: I just uploaded my video for entry into this month's UWOL challenge, WITHOUT EVER EVEN WATCHING IT.

that's how down the wire this one came for me. But I'm looking at the bright side here. The reason I couldn't work on it this afternoon is because I actually got hired to shoot an event for someone based on their watching my UWOL_7 entry. Therefore, today marks the very first dollar I have ever made with my camera.

Trond Saetre
June 23rd, 2008, 01:27 AM
But I'm looking at the bright side here. The reason I couldn't work on it this afternoon is because I actually got hired to shoot an event for someone based on their watching my UWOL_7 entry. Therefore, today marks the very first dollar I have ever made with my camera.
Eric, congratulations!!! That was great news. It's really good when people like what you do, and that turns into making some $$. Well done!

Adrinn Chellton
June 23rd, 2008, 03:29 AM
My entry this round was in stark contrast to last time, I uploaded it within hours of the deadline. Last run I was one of the first. Inspiration can be fickle at best. I was so sure I was headed to the tank, but somehow last week I got an inspirational moment.

To everyone in the tank this time, I was almost there with ya! My feet are still wet from the wading area!

By the way this is getting harder each round, I believe it's wanting to do better work each time that accounts for the change.