View Full Version : View finder lag

Warren Cook
June 1st, 2008, 09:22 AM
I've read on this forum that there is a small delay in the viewfinder on the XL2. I'm planning on purchasing an XL2 in the near future. I do a lot of aviation video, mostly corporate aircraft takeoffs and landings. I'd like to know if the viewfinder delay will be a problem with this type of shooting.

Thanks for any help.

Josh Bass
June 1st, 2008, 02:58 PM
I have an XL2 and I've never heard of this delay, nor noticed anything of that nature. I have, however, noticed occasional "blurring" or "smearing" on occasion, that seems unrelated to what the lens is actually recording. Don't know what's up with that.

I'd be interested in hearing more about this delay business, though.

Biggest complaint on the XL2 viewfinder is its softness, and I don't know the term for it, but the way it handles colors----it's like looking at a highly compressed mpeg, seen the same thing on the DSR250's flip out LCD. Funny thing is, the XL1S's viewfinder was both sharper and didn't have the color issue.

Doron Hazan
July 13th, 2008, 06:17 AM
very small one but yes. there is a delay.

Doron Hazan
August 24th, 2008, 06:50 AM
if you turn it off - there is no delay.

sorry for the mistake...

Josh Bass
August 24th, 2008, 03:12 PM
Ah! That would explain why I've never noticed it. I don't have that lens. . .I bought the body only kit and use the manual 16x lens.