View Full Version : 2 Hpx 3000-ajhpm 110-workflow?

Mike Torino
May 31st, 2008, 06:30 AM

looking for some advice, suggestions with the workflow with the HPM-110. Its a two camera episodic, one ep. per week. My main questions are with tracking the footage, ie. how do I find sc.15 B-Cam shot on day 5 now that I'm on day 20? Stuff like that.

We are downloading to an archival 1tb drive and two 700-750gb shuttle drives, but the 110 only has one USB port? and AVCi isn't compatible with firewire?
I'm going to stop before it gets more convaluded.

If you have ideas lets talk.



Robert Lane
May 31st, 2008, 09:36 PM
What you're referring to is being able to access meta-data that contains your shot/scene/location etc information. All this is something that can be done during production very painlessly.

Barry Green and a few of the other Panny consultants have whitepapers that were published specifically about this workflow (I think they are on the Panny global website, don't remember exactly). Read those whitepapers and all your questions will be answered - and then some.