View Full Version : How do I do this?

Rick Steele
May 29th, 2008, 10:02 PM
Upon completion of a wedding video I host the couple's highlight clip on a private web page I create for them so they can send the link to family and friends for viewing. I'll keep this page active for 30 days or so. It's easy to create and my site traffic goes through the roof. A lot of you do this and know what I'm talking about.

So... on this page I create for them... how do I allow visitors to post comments/messages for the couple to read? (Like you see on blogs). I saw this on another videographer's site and thought it added a nice touch. There was a button (I think) that read, "Add a comment for Dick and Jane". Or something like that.

I'm no HTML wizard and just maintain my site with FrontPage.

If I'm making any sense... thanks in advance.

Jason Robinson
May 30th, 2008, 10:53 AM
Upon completion of a wedding video I host the couple's highlight clip on a private web page I create for them so they can send the link to family and friends for viewing. I'll keep this page active for 30 days or so. It's easy to create and my site traffic goes through the roof. A lot of you do this and know what I'm talking about.

So... on this page I create for them... how do I allow visitors to post comments/messages for the couple to read? (Like you see on blogs). I saw this on another videographer's site and thought it added a nice touch. There was a button (I think) that read, "Add a comment for Dick and Jane". Or something like that.

I'm no HTML wizard and just maintain my site with FrontPage.

If I'm making any sense... thanks in advance.

What you need is pre-written blogging software so that you create a new entry and somehow don't publish the artice to any index, but allow it to be viewed, and then people with Blogger accounts (or whatever system you want to use) can write comments. Some systems even allow anonymous comments, though that is easy to abuse which is why few allow anonymous comments.

To do this you will need hosting that has access to a DB (MySQL) and you need PHP (more than likely). Then you need someone that knows how to install & configure that sort of application.

If all of that sounded greek to you, then you probably need to get someone to do this for you.