View Full Version : Event wont fit on 1 DVD??

Denny Kyser
May 29th, 2008, 01:50 PM
I did a dance recital and got the editing done but even after cutting out the awards and bows, its 5.1 GB, (using mono for audio)

It was like 5.7 GB with the awards and audio in stereo.

Do I just put this on 2 DVD's, if so do I split the DVDs Act 1 and Act 2 or do I fill one DVD all the way up and start the next one there.

I am using Premier Pro CS3, and Encore if it matters.


Stelios Christofides
May 29th, 2008, 02:12 PM
Burn it on an 8.5GB Double Layer DVD and then use Clone DVD to burn it on ordinary DVD.


Denny Kyser
May 29th, 2008, 02:24 PM
Burn it on an 8.5GB Double Layer DVD and then use Clone DVD to burn it on ordinary DVD.


Thanks, I never thought about that, what is Clone DVD, is that a software application?

Stelios Christofides
May 29th, 2008, 02:37 PM
You can also clone movie DVDs with this application (your own DVDs, as not to break the law))


Rick Steele
May 29th, 2008, 05:22 PM
I am using Premier Pro CS3, and Encore if it matters. I guess I don't understand the responses thus far. Why don't you *make* it fit on a single DVD using the proper encoding? How long is the video?

And you don't say what you used to arrive at 5.7gb. Mono audio doesn't make any difference. If you have the Surcode Dolby codec installed, use that.

Render that timeline out as a DV AVI then import it into Encore. Encore will figure out the proper encoding compression to make it fit on a single DVD. 90-100 minutes of video will look just fine.

Frank Simpson
May 29th, 2008, 05:57 PM
On an aesthetic note, if you must split a performance, it is more pleasing to do so at "intermission". No one is going to complain that disc #1 didn't fill its capacity. And if the end of Act one is a natural place for an audience break, then it makes sense that it may well be a good place for your home audience to have a small break.

If the disc is being produced for participants in the show, they will already have a natural association with a break in the action at the end of the first act.

There can also be a value association for a 2-disc set. It makes people feel they're getting more bang for their buck. But if you fill disc one to capacity and then put the (presumably) short remainder onto a second disc it might feel more like a mistake, an afterthought or just poor planning.

Just my random thoughts on the issue.

Denny Kyser
May 29th, 2008, 10:14 PM
I guess I don't understand the responses thus far. Why don't you *make* it fit on a single DVD using the proper encoding? How long is the video?

And you don't say what you used to arrive at 5.7gb. Mono audio doesn't make any difference. If you have the Surcode Dolby codec installed, use that.

Render that timeline out as a DV AVI then import it into Encore. Encore will figure out the proper encoding compression to make it fit on a single DVD. 90-100 minutes of video will look just fine.

The length is 2 hr, 54 mins.

the method of burning to dbl layer DVD then cloning to Single DVD worked, the compressed DVD looks fine.

Greg Clark
May 29th, 2008, 10:47 PM
I have done many dance shows. I have found the biggest mistake is to put too much video on one DVD. I have found if I keep each DVD to 1 hour and 15 or less the quality doesn't suffer and I don't get returns because the DVD's won't play in some cheap players.
Since I have changed to strictly + blanks I haven't had any returns. Double sided DVD's would work but two single sided are much cheaper to buy.