View Full Version : Just Bought Premiere Pro ( On Location ?)

Robin Hall
May 28th, 2008, 12:09 PM
OK so I just broke down & bought Premire Pro CS3 suite.
I am pretty sure I can get it up and running on my Q6600 64 bit Vista
machine, even though they don't support it :(.

My main question comes with reguard to On Location, if you are using it
what type of Laptop, & what are the specs of the laptop that you are using with it.. Iam thinking I might get a new laptop to replace my current P4 3.02GHz gateway laptop that I currently have for mobile DV stuff... I have moved to HDV shooting only now & the Gateway just won't cut it .

So if you are using ON Location can you give me some insite to your setup
Thanks Robin

Tony Neal
May 28th, 2008, 05:19 PM
I run OnLocation on a 2GHz dual core VAIO and capture HDV M2Ts on it - works very well but I don't usually run the monitor and the digital recorder together, although the monitor will run at reduced frames rates during capture.

Try it on your P4 laptop - should work well for capture but may not handle the monitor as well.

Chris Davis
May 28th, 2008, 06:53 PM
I've been using OnLocation for more than two years (when it was Serious Magic's DV Rack) for SD. Today was my first attempt at using OnLocation for HD. As Tony said, the monitor woks at a reduced frame rate, but it captured fine.

I'm using a Dell E1705 laptop with an Intel 2GHz dual core processor, 2GB RAM and a 100GB hard drive.

Robin Hall
May 29th, 2008, 09:33 AM
Thanks Guys

I was looking at a Viao FZ280EB which is last years model but is on sale
for $1500 Cdn With 2.0 Dual core 3 GB ram and BD Burner, My only concern with it is it comes with a 250GB(5400 Rpm HD) But I think this should be easy to swap out for a 300(7200 rpm).

I have tried a straight capture using VLC with the gateway but it was studdery using VLC might give it a shot with ON location though.

Tony Neal
May 29th, 2008, 04:56 PM
My VAIO is the AR51M - only 2GB RAM but 2GHz with BD burner and two 160Gb 5400 rpm drives - perfect for video capture using OnLocation.