View Full Version : ? for wedding using me4/g2 mic system

Samuel Hinterlang
May 27th, 2008, 07:21 PM
I'm looking to see what others are setting there sensitivity and af out levels to, when only mic'ing the groom to still pick-up the brides voice.

Danny O'Neill
May 28th, 2008, 03:17 PM
I just got my G2 today although it has the ME2 mic as this is apparantly better for picking up the bride and minister (omni).

Make sure the mic points down or you will get popping, if your camera has a wind noise filter leave it on, much better sound. Set the transmitter to -20db sensitivity and yoru camera on manual adjust. Then turn the sound up, then turn it down until you stop hearing hte hissing.

Thats what worked for me but it totally depends on your mic position, how loud they talk, acoustics, camera etc.

Paul R Johnson
May 28th, 2008, 03:25 PM
The ME2 as an omni, works best pointing downwards, as you get less popping - but the ME4 is pretty grim for recording off axis sound as it's quite directional, and needs careful aiming at the lips. It isn't much use for picking up both people, unless they are really close. The off axis sound is also quite thin and weedy sounding, which may be easily confused with poor sensitivity.

Rick Steele
May 28th, 2008, 09:09 PM
I'm looking to see what others are setting there sensitivity and af out levels to, when only mic'ing the groom to still pick-up the brides voice.All the settings people give you here won't be of much use. There are many factors. For instance, I run my G2 through an XLR adapter with the audio in manual. Also, the preamp ciruitry for every camera is different.

FWIW... my receiver's AF OUT is set to +00db and the transmitter's sensitivity is -20db (but I'll lower that to -10db if the priest refuses to wear a mic).

And what's this nonsense about turning the lav mic upside down? My ME2's work fine right side up and don't look near as silly. :) If you're getting some popping then something else is wrong.

Samuel Hinterlang
May 29th, 2008, 01:00 AM
thanks Rick,

Everyone else seems to use the me2's.

My audio guy told me to go with the cardioid version, but he must have thought that I'd mic everyone. Though, I also have been using it for sit down interviews mostly.

On another note, an omni shouldn't pick up extra popping being turned a different way. The only way to make that problem on an omni is to peak out. Turning it upside down is just a ghetto way of lowering the sensitivity as far as I can tell.

Danny O'Neill
May 29th, 2008, 01:57 AM
I spent all night turning it one way up, then the other, sensitivity down, levels on the camera and IMHO upside down is best.

If its the right way up then you have to tweak your levels and you can then hear the wearer ok, however the bride and priest would then be too quiet. by having it upside down I can have a decent sensitivity and hear all at an equal level.

Sean Seah
August 4th, 2008, 09:40 AM
R u folks talking about the Senny ew122PG2 with the ME2 mic? I'm looking for one for getting the wedding vows to be used with the EX1. Would appreciate your inputs. Thanks!

Danny O'Neill
August 4th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Thats the one, great mic, really clear sound.

Only gripe is the clip which holds the mic is a tiny piece of wire. Normally OK although the other day the groom was wired up and then went to play with his kids, thing was kicking and screaming and playing and bent the damn clip to hell. Didnt break it but now im worried it might. Anyone know where I can get a spare clip?

Sean Seah
August 4th, 2008, 09:45 PM
Got it. Thanks!