View Full Version : Where to download Adobe Premiere Pro (trial version)

Danie Pretorius
May 26th, 2008, 02:45 PM
I have tried to download Adobe Premiere Pro (CS3) from Adobe's website without any success - it gave an error almost immediately and refused to continue. I then opted for the download link via Softpedia's website (as per Google search) and downloaded 92% (around 620Mb) before it crashed and refused to continue!

I have downloaded and installed Sony Vegas 8 Pro (trial) and want to compare that to Adobe Premiere Pro but can't get Adobe Premiere Pro (trial) to download fully!

I have been using Premiere 6 a lot and like the way Premiere works but I must say Vegas (8 Pro) is excellent with the multicam options, etc. I also like the workflow a lot! I would like to test that in Premiere Pro as well! Premiere option might be 'cheaper' for me as it looks like I qualify for an upgrade from Premiere 6. I have seen however some stability issues being posted on this forum about Prem Pro.

Anybody with other ideas where to get a legal trial copy of Premiere Pro (as advertised via Adobe's site but refuses to download!)?

Thanks for your time!

Jiri Fiala
May 26th, 2008, 04:41 PM
Try using some download manager, like I have no problems downloading trials from Adobe, I tried it just now and had Premiere in under 10 minutes :) Without any DL manager.

It may be a problem on our provider`s side.

Danie Pretorius
May 27th, 2008, 12:22 AM
Thanks for the info Jiri. I have tried the freedownload manager (via softpedia) (sorry I omitted to say it!). But thanks for the advice! I'll just try again.

With Adobe's site, I was 'forced' to use the download manager from Adobe after I logged on and started the download (via the download basket). I suppose my service provider must have experienced some or other problem. Will try again!

Thanks for the quick response!

Danie Pretorius
May 27th, 2008, 10:22 PM
Hi Jiri

I managed to download Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 (trial) from Adobe's site without a problem a few hours ago! I did it via another ISP. Thanks for your help!

Now I have to explore the new Premiere Pro CS3 and make some comparisons! Long nights ahead!

Thanks again!

Jiri Fiala
May 28th, 2008, 04:49 PM
Glad to hear that :) You should definitely also download After Effects, it adds HEAPS to your creative possibilities, and it doesn`t have to be that hard either.

Danie Pretorius
May 29th, 2008, 04:45 AM
Thanks Jiri! Will do that!

Thanks again for your help! Much appreciated!


Danie Pretorius
May 29th, 2008, 05:01 AM
Just an update on downloading trial versions (incl Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 and Adobe After Effects CS3):
Adobe has suspended the downloading of trial versions until 1 July 2008 :(

I'll have to wait until 1 July now to check out After Effects as well (Premiere Pro CS3 on my side (trial) is ok as i activated it in May 2008 - so it looks like it is not being affected. Full story available on

Few extracts:

As from

Trials are currently unavailable
Product trials are unavailable until July 1. We apologize for any inconvenience. For additional details, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Why are some Adobe product trials currently not available?
During the month of June 2008, certain product trials that are launched for the first time (regardless of when they were installed) will function for only one day instead of 30 days, due to an error in a line of code that counts down the remaining days in a trial. You will not experience this issue if you have launched your trial before June 1, 2008, or do not launch it until July 1 or thereafter.
We understand that trials are an important tool to experience the new features of a product. However, this issue would have resulted in a frustrating situation for a large number of customers — an experience that just does not meet the high standards we have set for all of our products and solutions. We invite you to explore the other resources available on in order to experience the products in action.