View Full Version : best iRiver replacement audio recorder

Vito DeFilippo
May 25th, 2008, 02:21 PM
Hey all,

I searched around to find suggestions for a good/small audio recorder that can be used with a lapel mic and put in a groom's pocket.

Seems like up to the end of last year or so, many were pointing to the Zoom H2. But now that we're post NAB, is this still a good choice, or is anyone using something newer and better?

Thanks for any help!

Rick Steele
May 25th, 2008, 09:08 PM
There's a lot of alternatives Vito but I don't think the "iRiver killer" has arrived just yet.

I had high hopes for the Zoom H2 until mine arrived. There's no way I'd put that thing in a groom's pocket - it's just too damned big compared to the iRiver. It does nicely with other types of audio though.

For mic'ing up the groom, I'll stay with my Senn G2 wireless units for as long as they work.

Vito DeFilippo
May 25th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Darnit! I was hoping the H2 was small enough. I've used minidisc recorders. Is it bigger than that?

I had high hopes for wireless, but I find it just enough extra time to set up that it stresses me out when I arrive at the church from the bride's house. And to top it off, you never know when you have a problem. I used it last weekend to mic the podium and thought, "what the heck, I'll just say 'check' a few times to adjust my sound levels," even though I felt like an idiot standing at the podium doing sound checks. Well, holy interference with the house system! I had to quickly change channels and try again. Fortunately that did it but I shudder to think what I would have had to do, if I had not checked.

The darned iRiver is just so easy, and it records forever. Yeah it doesn't sound as good, but you have to take the good with the bad.

Thanks Rick...

Rick Steele
May 25th, 2008, 09:35 PM
I was hoping the H2 was small enough. I've used minidisc recorders. Is it bigger than that?

I think the H2 is a bit "thicker" than a minidisk but the bulk would be about the same. Except I think the H2 will show through a snug jacket. The best use I've found for mine is to mic the DJ's speaker or to record live music. It's a great little unit for the price.

And I handle my iRivers better than the wife's china these days. I still use them to mic up a minister and also the podium. When used on a groom they never pick up the bride's audio like my wireless unit does... but man they are indeed amazing little devices.

Vito DeFilippo
May 25th, 2008, 11:29 PM
And I handle my iRivers better than the wife's china these days.

I hear ya. I thought about picking up a third on ebay lately, and noticed that those models a going for a very high price lately. Three times what I paid. I think people are grabbing them while they can...

Renton Maclachlan
May 26th, 2008, 02:11 AM
I got a couple of 890's earlier in the year off ebay. Cheapest they went for was $us25, the dearest was $us84 - within days of each other! If you're patient you can get them on the cheaper side.

Noa Put
May 26th, 2008, 02:35 AM
I recently bought a iriver t20mx (new) with a archos clipon mic in a local audio store, thought the iriver was about 50 dollar. It's not great quality in sound but it's sufficient.
I also use a zoom but a H4 which I usually position on a tripod and close to a loudspeaker in the church or if they have someone singing close to them.
This one gives really good audio quality but it's like the h2 a bit big, certainly nothing that can easily fit in a pocket.

Doug Lange
May 26th, 2008, 03:15 AM
I have a Microtrack II that works very well but is the size of an ipod (video) but is one inch thick. I also have a Belkin Tunetalk Stereo that plugs into an ipod that works with a lapel mic. It sounds even better with the stereo mic supplied with the Microtrack II. Belkin states that the TuneTalk will also work with the new iPod nano (video). I could test this, my daughter has a nano.

The iPod nano is 2.75x2.06x.26 inches, which is about the same as a mini DV cassette case only thinner. The Tunetalk Stereo is about 1.25 inches long, which would make the combination of the ipod and Tunetalk about 4x2 inches. Interestingly, the Microtrack II is about 4x2 inches, but is also almost 1 inch thick, making it bulky by comparison.

What are the dimensions of the iriver?

Noa Put
May 26th, 2008, 04:25 AM
What are the dimensions of the iriver?
My iriver is 55x25x15mm. only the archos mic has a preamplifier which is 55x50x15mm but both still fitt well into the grooms pocket.

Carl Wilky
May 26th, 2008, 08:49 AM
Hi Vito

I use the Olympus DS40, which has great recording time, size is quite small and battery life is excellent. Sound quality is very good and you have the option of selecting different folders to record multiple events if you happen to have several gigs in one weekend.

Here is to illustrat the size of the unit

Vito DeFilippo
May 26th, 2008, 09:28 AM
Hey Carl. that actually looks pretty small. You use this at events? Have you tried it with a lapel mic? What do you think? I took a quick look at the manual, and it says it accepts external mics, which is great.

Do you find the three mic sensitivity settings enough flexibility? And you say good sound quality but any problems with self noise or anything else?

Thanks. Hope to run into sometime here in Montreal!

Alastair Brown
May 26th, 2008, 11:11 AM
There was another recent thread singing the praises of the Olympus DS-30.

Just picked up one myself to try. Haven't used it in anger yet. All I have noted so far is that you appear to have only three options for recording sensitivity. Low/Med/High. Lapel mic works fine, or, used the supplied mics on a lecturn/hidden away.

Andrew McWeeny
May 27th, 2008, 08:41 AM
Hi Vito, I was using MiniDisk also but I'm now using the H2. Below is a side-by-side look at the sizes. I'm also using a belt pouch rather than stuffing in a jacket.

Vito DeFilippo
May 27th, 2008, 09:13 AM
I'm also using a belt pouch rather than stuffing in a jacket.

Hey Andy. Thanks for the photos. Are you happy with the H2? And with the belt pouch, do you mean you attach the belt pouch to the groom because you find the H2 too big to go in his pocket?

I looked for you at the old port on Saturday but didn't see you. Ran into Marco, though... Mine was a 16 hour marathon, but I heard you may have beat the record for longest all day wedding coverage!


Jon Omiatek
May 27th, 2008, 11:19 AM
Buy an iRiver on eBay. I love those little guys and have a bunch of spares. They make great backups for my Senn G2's.

Vito DeFilippo
May 27th, 2008, 11:37 AM
Buy an iRiver on eBay.

I have two already. My point is, with the price they are going for on Ebay at the moment, I was hoping to be able to find something more professional, small, easy to use, reliable, etc, etc. The Olypus units look interesting, but I don't like the limited ability to set levels...

John Moon
May 27th, 2008, 11:44 AM
We use Edirol R9 and love it. No problems at all. We are purchasing another. I think the price is about $370.00 to $400.00.

Travis Cossel
May 27th, 2008, 12:47 PM
I have two already. My point is, with the price they are going for on Ebay at the moment, I was hoping to be able to find something more professional, small, easy to use, reliable, etc, etc. The Olypus units look interesting, but I don't like the limited ability to set levels...

I've used 2 Olympus DS-30's for over a year now and I haven't experienced any clipping in the audio. I love them. I also have NEVER had a dropout or any kind of interference. The audio quality is awesome.

Ilya Spektor
May 27th, 2008, 04:20 PM
I've used 2 Olympus DS-30's for over a year now and I haven't experienced any clipping in the audio. I love them. I also have NEVER had a dropout or any kind of interference. The audio quality is awesome.


What lavs do you use with DS-30? I am planninng to get a Giant Squid mono lav for my WS-310M, but did you (or anyone else) have a chance to compare recommended by Olympus their ME-15 with Giant Squid or any other lav, e.g. Sennheiser ME-2?..

Travis Cossel
May 27th, 2008, 05:20 PM
I'm just using the mics that came with my Azden VHF wireless system. I got all sorts of interference with that system, and wasn't sure if it was the system or the mics. After using the mics extensively with the DS-30's (and before that with an earlier version of Olympus DVR's) I now know it's not the mics.

Andrew McWeeny
May 28th, 2008, 06:57 AM
Hi Vito, depending on the cut of the jacket you can either pop it in a pocket or use the pouch on his pants or belt, much like using a wireless bodypack.

I really like the H2. The backlit menu system is very easy to use. With the on-board mics you can record in 4 channel 5.1 Surround Sound. I use it this way to record extra sound clips to use in the edit. It uses the same SD cards as my Nikon.

I saw Andy and Jim at the Old Port.Finally wrapped things up after 17 hrs and 100Km. You gotta love those Montreal weddings!

Travis, I too had the problem with my Azden VHF wireless system and now only use the hand-held for close-up work.

Vito DeFilippo
May 28th, 2008, 08:56 AM
That's great info you guys. Thanks a lot.

Vince Baker
May 28th, 2008, 12:44 PM
The DS40 looks interesting, and a reasonable price...

I currently have 4 iRiver 8XXs that have done me proud (even though one of the screens is on its way out but I never change the settings so as a back up it is still fine.)

A question, I also have 4 Giant Squid mics that require a powered line in (god bless the iRiver!). Will they work with the DS40?

Vito DeFilippo
May 28th, 2008, 01:38 PM
A question, I also have 4 Giant Squid mics that require a powered line in (god bless the iRiver!). Will they work with the DS40?

Vince, did you buy the special rewired GS mics for your iRivers? I have two like that, and they do not seem to work on a consumer camcorder. My old sony has a mic input with 'plug-in-power' and I get nothing with the mono Giant Squid. I don't know if its the rewiring, or the fact that it's mono...

Carl Wilky
May 28th, 2008, 02:24 PM
Hi Vito,

I use the Olympus along with a lav mic and it works great. You remove the microphone that comes with it and you have access to the 1/8" connection for your mic. The three levels of recording is quite useful, i use the DICT setting when its on a person, the CONF when its on the podium so it picks up a lot more of the vocals.

I had it for a month now, done a few gigs with it and no issues thus far.

We should definitely meet up some time... after paying a little bit more attention to your website, i think i recognize you from a Canon event i was at last fall. CPSExpo, did you attend a such event?

Vito DeFilippo
May 28th, 2008, 02:41 PM
after paying a little bit more attention to your website, i think i recognize you from a Canon event i was at last fall. CPSExpo, did you attend a such event?

Yep. I was there all right. Took the chance to see a couple of seminars and meet Patrick Moreau from Niagra Falls. Very nice guy. I enjoyed chatting with him and picking his brain a bit.

Renton Maclachlan
May 28th, 2008, 02:41 PM
Vince, did you buy the special rewired GS mics for your iRivers? I have two like that, and they do not seem to work on a consumer camcorder. My old sony has a mic input with 'plug-in-power' and I get nothing with the mono Giant Squid. I don't know if its the rewiring, or the fact that it's mono...

Vito, its the wiring. I've just had all sorts of hassles getting recording on an iRiver to work from a Rode NTG2. I don't understand it all but the wiring for the iRivers is apparently the reverse of the standard. With the help of sound guy I finally got it to work.

Vito DeFilippo
May 28th, 2008, 03:25 PM
I don't understand it all but the wiring for the iRivers is apparently the reverse of the standard.

Yeah, Darren explains it on the Giant Squid website. That's why he offers a special mic for the iRivers.

Ilya Spektor
May 29th, 2008, 12:24 AM
I use the Olympus along with a lav mic and it works great.


What lav do you use? Is it Olympus ME-15 or any other?..

Vince Baker
May 29th, 2008, 07:12 AM
yes my mics are specific for the iRiver, so guess after the previous few postings that means they will not work with the Olympus...

Still a viable option once my iRivers start to die....

Carl Wilky
May 29th, 2008, 02:16 PM

What lav do you use? Is it Olympus ME-15 or any other?..

I bought a sennheiser lav mic including the lapel clip for $50 off ebay and it works like a charm. I had to remove the screw part on the connector by sawing through it to insure a better connection and that was it.