View Full Version : Why is necessary a capture board?

Fellipe de Paula
May 25th, 2008, 09:05 AM
Hi everyone.

Instead of buying a good capture board (matrox etc.), I was wondering of building a great and fast computer, so the question I asked myself: (And I couldn't answer)

Why is necessary a capture board?

Ervin Farkas
May 27th, 2008, 01:28 PM
Necessity of a capture board depends on your source video. If you use a camera or deck with firewire, all you need is a firewire card ($10). But if you need to capture analog video, the capture card (plus software) will digitize the video so you can edit it on your computer.

As far as a Matrox card, that one does a lot more, go to their website and read on.