View Full Version : Here's a FUN video to watch!

Raphael Jamil Pranga
May 24th, 2008, 11:35 AM
Hoping you guys will enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed shooting this one!

and yep, we brought the house down! Hahaha!

here's the clip which we showed just hours ago during the reception. ^_^

Travis Cossel
May 24th, 2008, 11:50 AM
I'm going to cry if you confirm that the video was an SDE ....

Outstanding freaking video. Just amazing. I seriously have nothing to suggest that you do differently. That's a 10 out of 10!

I love the colored B&G shoes. Was that section with the bike shot the day of the wedding?? Oh, and the stop-motion with the rings and the drawing of the bike - brilliant. You guys are amazing and I sincerely hope you're getting paid what you're worth!

Terry Esslinger
May 24th, 2008, 12:51 PM
Great video.
Boy they sure let you be mobile at the ceremony!!

Richard Wakefield
May 24th, 2008, 02:44 PM
that was ram-packed with fun, and tight editing...very pleasing to watch

my only minor criticism is the sudden loss of pace when the music fades out, i can see why it was done but it perhaps shouldn't have been done with a song like that?

p.s. i wish i could glidecam as much as that during ceremonies!

Danny O'Neill
May 24th, 2008, 03:30 PM
We have a wedding comming up and have been told that during the ceremony we have to be discreet. Which means they have found a corner for us to sit in, cover up with camo and peep though a hole no doubt. So unlikely they will let us glide :(

Still, were going along to their rehersal so can find out then whats allowed. Cant say ive ever really seen a UK wedding vid with any ammount of glideing during the ceremony.

John Stakes
May 24th, 2008, 04:49 PM
love the color Raphael. And great editing is always what makes someone shine!

Thanks for sharing.

oh yeah...what were you shooting with?

Carl Wilky
May 24th, 2008, 05:59 PM
Holy talent coming out of the Philippines i tell ya.

Very nicely done guys, very nice.

I think you say "maganda"?

Jason Magbanua
May 24th, 2008, 06:55 PM
Hoping you guys will enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed shooting this one!

and yep, we brought the house down! Hahaha!

here's the clip which we showed just hours ago during the reception. ^_^

Fun indeed! Very Nice!

Matthew Ebenezer
May 24th, 2008, 07:24 PM
Man! That's awesome!

I love the details that you include like the shoes, the ring time-lapse etc ... and the bicycle footage was super fun.

Only thing I didn't like was the transitions sometimes - i.e. the 'extra' footage flying in - but who am I to tell you guys what to do! :)

It's so amazing that this is an SDE ... can you share a bit about your SDE workflow?

Really loved it - and I always look forward to your new videos.



Travis Cossel
May 25th, 2008, 12:38 PM
I've been trying to figure out what that song/artist is. Care to help a guy out?

Raphael Jamil Pranga
May 25th, 2008, 06:32 PM
Hi Guys! Thank you so much for watching and glad you guys also had fun! Hahaha!

Here are the answers to your questions:

*Yep, that was an SDE

*We added the vows in to add a personal touch and that's the reason of the loss of pace but was all worth it since that was the part where the audience really reacted during the presentation.

*5 priests officiated the mass, two of which where related to the family and the other 3 where close friends. So I asked the family if they are strict during the ceremony and they replied not at all... Hehehe! I guess that's the reason i took the chance to glide a lot during the ceremony. :D

*We use sony FX1s

*SDE workflow? We shoot in SD as of now and we use two Mac Book Pros, one dedicated for capturing, and one dedicated for editing. Alvin started editing during the preps, and never left the computer until the video was done except for some parts during the preps. You guys try fill in the blanks ^_^ :p

*The song is sang by a Filipino band called Hale and the title is This is a happy song. Hahaha!

Patrick Moreau
May 25th, 2008, 11:56 PM
*SDE workflow? We shoot in SD as of now and we use two Mac Book Pros, one dedicated for capturing, and one dedicated for editing. Alvin started editing during the preps, and never left the computer until the video was done except for some parts during the preps. You guys try fill in the blanks ^_^ :p

It is amazing how far the SDE has involved. With this level or quality and done with such a crew, it almost seems like it steps out of the realm of an SDE and just becomes a highlights clip similar to what you might deliver after the wedding. With multiple shooters, two machines, and one editor from the preps on- I think that is probably more time than a lot of us spend on a highlights clip- which is a great workflow you guys have put together to really give you the option to take it even further. It sure is tough trying to compete with 2 guys and 2 hours to edit :)

Noa Put
May 26th, 2008, 02:22 AM
Raphael, I read on your blog that you usually are with 5 people to do weddings, does this mean each wedding? How many camera's were used for this one?
The editor also has a big impact on the end result here as he's doing an awesome job considering it's an sde.

I also saw the "Xavier University" video on your site and that was really cool considering all the effort that had been done.

If you do weddings, do you have some kind of script before you start or is it all improvisation?

Travis Cossel
May 26th, 2008, 10:23 PM
It sure is tough trying to compete with 2 guys and 2 hours to edit :)

No doubt. I still don't offer SDE's because in my area the ceremony generally leads directly into the reception, with no kind of break at all. I haven't given up yet, though. I'm still trying to find a way to provide these but if I do it I want the quality to be like what you guys are posting on here, not something just thrown together.

Noa Put
May 27th, 2008, 01:26 AM
In my country time would also be problem and some weddings would not allow this at all if you work alone. In order to pull something off as stunning as raphael did it would take at least 3 people with one person full time on a laptop to edit.

@ Patrick and Raphael, you do a lot of these sde's, no? Are there clients who only book you for this to so they get to see the highlights at the reception which lasts only a few minutes or is an sde usually a part of a whole day coverage an do you deliver a separate dvd of, let's say' 30-40minutes that covers their day but a bit more in a documentary style?.

Chris Medico
May 27th, 2008, 04:14 AM
That is for sure a terrific video. I loved it.

Raphael Jamil Pranga
May 27th, 2008, 10:31 AM
Patrick, yep! Michael mentioned that it's only the two of you who does everything from shooting until editing the SDE and was a bit surprised upon hearing that and that's why we admire your work. ^_^ A lot of experience is the result of your outputs. We're just trying to be different that's why we thought of this workflow. :D

Noa, yep, we're a crew of 5 per wedding. And mostly we just do things on the spot but sometimes we do plan ahead especially if Alvin wants to achieve something he's never done before like this one. :D
And on our part, we package the SDE together with our full day coverage. That way, it really helps on the marketing side.

Travis, you'll never know until you try it! Hahaha! Just plan ahead, i bet your clients will really appreciate it even though it's a simple one since i bet nobody is doing it yet in your place. ^_^

Chris, uber thanks!!! :D

Kelsey Emuss
May 27th, 2008, 04:51 PM
SOOO FUN! And I love that song also! Great work!!!

Travis Cossel
May 27th, 2008, 05:14 PM
Travis, you'll never know until you try it! Hahaha! Just plan ahead, i bet your clients will really appreciate it even though it's a simple one since i bet nobody is doing it yet in your place. ^_^

Well, it's not that I haven't done one. I did one 2 years ago because the couple had a 2-hour break between their ceremony and reception. It's just that here where I live the ceremony ends and then you basically go right into the reception like 10-15 minutes later. So there just isn't time really.

If I had 5 people we could maybe make something work, but it's just me and an assistant, and my assistant isn't always the same individual.

Travis Cossel
May 27th, 2008, 05:15 PM
And mostly we just do things on the spot but sometimes we do plan ahead especially if Alvin wants to achieve something he's never done before like this one. :D

What all did he do differently this time?

Michael Y Wong
May 27th, 2008, 11:15 PM
Pretty Crazy stuffs Raf as always. You guys are glidecamming low-mode, on steroids, the same would apply with Alvin's editing. It is always interesting to see how your team is always experimenting with the post side of things, this SDE is definately no exception.

With your curent SDE workflow as well as SDE format pretty much perfectly worked out, the only thing I would suggest would be to change the overall format of the SDE a bit.

Raphael Jamil Pranga
May 28th, 2008, 02:53 AM
What all did he do differently this time?

It was the split screen effects this time :D

Raphael Jamil Pranga
May 28th, 2008, 03:03 AM
Pretty Crazy stuffs Raf as always. You guys are glidecamming low-mode, on steroids, the same would apply with Alvin's editing. It is always interesting to see how your team is always experimenting with the post side of things, this SDE is definately no exception.

With your curent SDE workflow as well as SDE format pretty much perfectly worked out, the only thing I would suggest would be to change the overall format of the SDE a bit.

Hahaha! Salamat(thanks) bro! :p

Matthew Ebenezer
May 28th, 2008, 05:53 AM
*SDE workflow? We shoot in SD as of now and we use two Mac Book Pros, one dedicated for capturing, and one dedicated for editing. Alvin started editing during the preps, and never left the computer until the video was done except for some parts during the preps. You guys try fill in the blanks ^_^ :p

Raphael - How do the Mac Book Pros go for battery life throughout the day? I'm guessing you would plug in to power when you can but I'd be interested to know your experiences.

Raphael Jamil Pranga
May 28th, 2008, 07:01 PM
Hi Mat! Yep, we do plug it in in all three parts of the wedding. We usually setup near sockets to leave us battery life during traveling (preps to church and church to reception) since sometimes capturing/editing continues while on the road especially if the places are far apart.

A big problem would be a garden/beach wedding without backup generators and a blackout/brownout would happen and it would last for about 2 hours or so and the ceremony would be at night. When that happens, i guess all we can do is pray. :)

Matthew Ebenezer
May 29th, 2008, 04:57 AM
Hi Mat! Yep, we do plug it in in all three parts of the wedding. We usually setup near sockets to leave us battery life during traveling (preps to church and church to reception) since sometimes capturing/editing continues while on the road especially if the places are far apart.

A big problem would be a garden/beach wedding without backup generators and a blackout/brownout would happen and it would last for about 2 hours or so and the ceremony would be at night. When that happens, i guess all we can do is pray. :)

Thanks Raphael!

Ian Lim
May 29th, 2008, 10:27 AM
Mayad rules! Hey Fiel, you guys make me jealous everytime you post your work.. Haha...

Raphael Jamil Pranga
May 29th, 2008, 05:03 PM
Hahaha! Same here! We love your work too! :p Can't wait for your new pre-wedding vids!!!