Brian Ladue
May 22nd, 2008, 12:30 PM
I posted a video following my son and I entering a bridge building competition at a nearby city. The entire video was shot on my HPX500, and edited in Premiere CS3 (great program by the way).... anyways, here's the link for the video..
Brad Neal
May 24th, 2008, 09:39 AM
Pretty cool, Brian. Your son will cherish that video throughout this life.
What were your settings for the time-lapse?
Brian Ladue
May 25th, 2008, 01:20 AM
Thanks Brad, I think so too... the settings for timelapse were 720p30.. 1 frame every 1 min, and also 1 frame/ 5 min for some shots... I sped up some of the timelapse in post as well. This video is all footage straight from the camera, no CC, or anything added... I quickly put it together and threw it up on the web to show some friends and family... anyways, thanks for the comments.... I love the 500 by the way, its a great camera.