Malcolm Hamilton
May 22nd, 2008, 08:33 AM
Hi there,
I'm going through Doug Jensen's XDCAM EX training DVDs - - they're very good, but I don't understand something. He uses a Mac, edits with Final Cut Pro, but he also shows off what looks like a very nice app for cataloguing all his media backups, called MediaFiler, which is PC-only.
Mac-users out there (I know there are a lot of you) - - what do you use to catalogue your media... is there something like MediaFiler?
Barry J. Anwender
May 22nd, 2008, 10:07 AM
Mac-users out there (I know there are a lot of you) - - what do you use to catalogue your media... is there something like MediaFiler?
Hi Malcolm. This is a very good question. I noticed the very same thing after viewing the Vortex training video. I also remember that you are using Avid on a Mac and so my response may not help your configuration.
This week, I installed Apple's Final Cut Server to give it a spin for use as a media catalogue and workflow management. The server itself requires Mac OS X Leopard and is scalable from MacBook Pro's to large scale NAS/XSAN Servers. The client software works on both Mac and PC's. In my first pass of experimenting, FC Server seems like a beast--very flexible and very capable for management of all kinds of assets (video and audio clips, shot lists, graphics, scripts, storyboards etc.) pertaining to video and film projects/production.
FC Server is a tool for work group and/or team environments. Both the cost and learning curve are steep at least for what I am doing at this time. There is at least one other poster that mentioned he was using FC Server. So I'm looking forward to his experience.
Malcolm Hamilton
May 22nd, 2008, 03:31 PM
I emailed Vortex Media to ask about Doug's use of MediaFiler on a Mac, and was told that yes, in fact, Doug uses it via Parallels, and that:
"There will never be a Mac OS version of MediaFiler unless Microsoft releases a Mac version of Access -- which is unlikely to happen"
So I'm out of luck there - - any other suggestions for media cataloguing tools, on the Mac side?
Thanks, Malcolm