Gints Klimanis
May 19th, 2008, 01:23 PM
I have a RedRock M2. The motor noise is problem for closeup video. I was looking at the Letus Extreme as it advertised silent operation until I noticed a phrase in the RedRock manual stating that it too is nearly silent. Is the Letus actually silent? Is it possible that I have a noisy M2? I haven't used it much since I bought it, but I remember the sound to be about as loud now as out of the box.
On another front, has anyone tried muffling the M2? I'm thinking about encasing it in a plastic box, possibly lined with vinyl or wax, possibly even lead sheets. If RedRock sold a muffler solution, I'd buy it.
Timothy D. Allen
May 25th, 2008, 01:27 AM
I own an M2 and have used it a multitude of times, and I've never had a noise issue.
I did meat a guy one time who said he was having noise issues, but he always had the M2 plugged in. I have never ran the M2 off a power supply so perhaps running off a battery makes it quieter? Any chance you're powering yours off an AC adapter??
Gints Klimanis
May 25th, 2008, 12:10 PM
Hi Tim, I'm powering off the battery. If you're doing close-up work in a quiet environment, don't you hear the motor? I'm using an off camera-mic (BLUE Dragonfly) , and it picks up too much of the motor sound. Don't you hear the motor a few feet away? Perhaps my M2 is just loud. There is a tutorial on the RedRock site to adjust the motor to quiet it. I'll give it a try.
Christopher Drews
May 25th, 2008, 12:25 PM
I constantly use the LEX and it is noisey. Sometimes, (not often anymore) I am forced to mount a mic in the HVX arm - It always picks up the constant buzz / hum of the LEX.
Timothy D. Allen
May 25th, 2008, 11:15 PM
If you're doing close-up work in a quiet environment, don't you hear the motor?
I don't. Honestly though, when I'm doing close-ups I'm using a longer lens so my subject is even farther from the camera, and because it's a tight shot I'm able to put the mic closer.
There was a time I was doing kind of a close-up "fisheye" look where I had a 20mm lens right up on my actor, and I had the mic up close as usual, and still... no noise.
Can't say this has ever been a problem for me.