Ian Smith
May 18th, 2008, 04:26 PM
Can anyone recommend prompt autocue software and hardware for the PMW-EX1, but ideally something that will also work with the Reflecmedua "Green screen" system (whicn involves a ring of green lights fitting via a screw adapter to the EX1 lens).
I've heard there may be a system available which can be mounted just above the lens so that the eyeline isn't too far out of wack with what the camera's recording.
George Kroonder
May 19th, 2008, 05:59 AM
There are some simple "systems" that you can hang below or to the side of the lens, but it will be obvious th etalent is not looking into the lens.
I have no experience with the Reflecmedia lightring, but I see no problem mounting it on top of the prompter instead of on the lens.
Edit: Reflecmedia offers a prompting solution that is basically a widescreen lcd mounted on top of the lens: http://www.reflecmedia.com/education/products/teleprompting/index.htm
Greg Hawkes
May 19th, 2008, 08:46 AM
Hi Ian
I use two different systems.
When I want to use the Reflecmedia system I
on a laptopset at the same height as the lens (just to the left or right)
the lap top sits on a Manfrotto projector table which is supported by an old photo tripod. I think this works well
Take a look
When not uslng Chroma Key I will be using Pro Prompter (just purchased)