Barry Rivadue
May 18th, 2008, 09:38 AM
I need to interview someone in Manhattan soon, and I'll be traveling by train/cab/subway. I can't carry my usual tripod, so I'm wondering what would be an adequate monopod/light tripod for a simple non-swiveling setup for the DVX100? Something that can be folded up small and attached to my backpack. Preferably something no more than $200. No frills, just to have something easily portable to set the DVX100 on for a straight-on interview.
Jack Walker
May 18th, 2008, 05:30 PM
I don't think you want a monopod. You'd have to hold onto the camera all the time.
There are number tripods that could work. You best bet would be to go into B&H and look at them if you are in New York.
Bogen makes a couple of nice ones with small fluid heads (up to about 8 lbs.) that are in the $200 range I've seen. Bogen has the 701 head coming out in the next couple of weeks or so. Bogen has a lightweight carbon fiber tripod with fluid head that is between about $250 I believe.
Here's one, but there may be better:
Also, you should look at Velbon. For around a hundred dollars you can get a dependable tripod and fluid head that should suit your needs:
There are some nice little tripods if you don't need a good head. If you can go to a huge camera store and look, that would be best, at least to give you an idea of what there is.
Barry Rivadue
May 18th, 2008, 07:42 PM
Thanks--the Velbon looks interesting!
Barry Rivadue
May 20th, 2008, 10:22 AM
Well, just to give this brief thread a happy ending, I ordered a Velbon DV-7000 from B & H. The tripod certainly has its share of positive reviews.
Jack Walker
May 20th, 2008, 11:17 AM
For your needs and budget I think this will work out very well.
I have a Velbon bought 25 years ago for a an RCA VHS camera. It still works very well. A lot of people have Velbon tripods, whether they admit it or not.
Barry Rivadue
May 20th, 2008, 12:33 PM
For what I need it for, I'm sure it's the optimal choice.
Barry Rivadue
May 23rd, 2008, 06:51 PM
Received the DV-7000 today and put it to work right away, and I'm more than pleased with it. It seems like a far more expensive tripod, and it's stylish too. It fits just what I need it for.