View Full Version : Bogen/Manfrotto 3273 Quick release

Garrett Low
May 15th, 2008, 12:56 PM

I was wondering if anyone had any feedback on using this quick release system to mount an XH A1 to a shoulder mount rig. I would only be using the camera and a shotgun mic.

Also, does anyone know if the mounting plate would fit into a Cartoni ActionPro head? I want to be able to go between the shoulder rig and tripod quickly.


Peter Ralph
May 24th, 2008, 05:02 PM
it works fine - but for my setup the plate was too long - it interfered with the matte box set-up so I switched to another bogen QR with a shorter plate.

I doubt the plate will fit anything but bogens. I cut out a piece of 1/2" black polyethelene and then sandwiched it between a vinten plate and the bogen adapter. So on bottom is a vinten plate, then the plastic spacer then the bogen - works great.