View Full Version : P2 Genie with MacOS 10.5.2?

Phillip Palacios
May 14th, 2008, 10:52 AM
I had been happily using my Powerbook with 10.4.x for a long time with P2 Genie for my front end file management... well now I upgraded to the new Mac Pro running 10.5.2 and FCP 6.0.3 and I have heard rumors of P2 Genie not working well with the new OS.

Anyone know for sure if P2 Genie works with such a combination? or am I stuck using the crappy P2CMS that Panasonic "supplies" us P2 users with? Or is there file management software similar to P2 genie?

BTW... Mods, I think (could be wrong here) that this is less a "mac" question than a P2 question, as it deals specifically with a workflow involving this camera family, hence me not posting it in the "mac" section.

Robert Lane
May 16th, 2008, 08:44 AM
Actually this is an OS-related question since Windows users have no benefit in this thread.

We don't use P2 Genie nor do I know anyone that does (and one reason why nobody has responded to this question, too few people using the app) but you could always email the creator of the software and ask them this question.

Alternatively we've had great success with P2CMS and of course there's always P2Log Pro which has proved itself to be a robust and reliable P2 management app.

Phillip Palacios
May 16th, 2008, 09:53 AM
"Actually this is an OS-related question since Windows users have no benefit in this thread."
Similar could be said if I posted it in the Mac OS section, not everyone that uses a mac uses Panasonic's P2 cameras, and those who don't would not "benefit" from the thread there either.

Anyways, I remember a lot of people, from here, getting P2genie and recommending it...why I got it to begin with. Maybe those who recommended it are no longer active here. Or have moved on to the Programs you recomend.

Anyways P2CMS doesn't seem to allow me to organize the database based on individual cards, it sorts it as individual clips. I would prefer to see the cards, not the clips.

I'll look into the P2Log Pro, thanks for that.

Chris Li
May 16th, 2008, 08:29 PM
No Mac updates since initial release in 2006. See their website. No support for mac whatsoever.
What Robt. said. P2Log/HDLog have great product support.They responded quickly when latest QT wreaked havoc and came out with a fix.
