View Full Version : High Shoals Falls
Christopher Neville May 13th, 2008, 08:16 AM I'd like to ask for some feedback about the editing, sound, and general look of this clip. I'd like to improve my camera work and editing, so any suggestions or tips would really be appreciated.
I used the Panalook2 preset, an AT825 stereo mic, the WD-H72 wide angle, and a Bogen 503 head. I used Vegas to adjust the levels.
Mark Williams May 13th, 2008, 09:56 AM Christopher,
Looks like a beautiful place. Here are my comments:
- Camera work. Movements were very smooth. Shots were in focus. Exposure looked good.Shot composition looked good. I would have liked to have seen closeups of interesting details (vegetation etc. with the falls in the background). Sometimes falls seem overwhelming and interesting details can be easily overlooked. Also would have liked to have seen a shot further away where the falls were framed with trees if possible. This helps give some overall context and scale. Also going back and shooting several times during the seasons produces some very interesting material. I once visited and area in the dead of winter with the falls almost completely frozen over and got some really interesting shots. Also, for me falls look good with a shutter speed of 1/60th. The water looks more fluid.
- Sound. Falls for me are difficult to get good sound reproduction on without it sounding like "frying bacon". I am afraid I can't give you much advice on this except a music score in the foreground and sound of the falls in the background that can be heard very lightly during the more quite parts of the music works for me.
- Editing. I noticed you used a lot of cuts. Might want to try some disolves and of course editing to music is a whole different set of skills. Here is a link to a piece I just viewed that touches on some of the items I discussed above (good editing to music in second half).
Hope this helps.
Philip Williams May 13th, 2008, 12:22 PM You must have missed the memo, HDV can't be used to record waterfalls ;)
Jim Miller May 13th, 2008, 03:50 PM Very nice shots. I agree with Marks observations. In addition, several of the close ups where you are panning down were a little intense and I think you held them a little too long. A little music background would go well I think.
Overall, nice job.
Christopher Neville May 13th, 2008, 06:51 PM I appreciate the feedback. I agree about the water being not to distinct. Layering it with some music might be the best way to go.
I really debated things with the dissolves. I didn't want to get carried away with using them, but maybe dealing with flowing water allows for more latitude in their use. As an afterthought, I might need to have made a few dissolves a second or so longer.
Mark, I agree with you comment on maybe having a more pulled back shot to put the falls in a different perspective.
Jim, I can see what you mean about holding them too long. I wanted to follow the flow, but it was a really long flow to try and cover completely. Maybe a shorter portion of the flow and a medium shot would have worked better.
I really appreciate all the comments.
Bill Grant May 13th, 2008, 07:01 PM Hey Christopher,
Good to see you online here. I do quite a bit of work with a guy in Rock Hill. We shoot with HVX200s on his projects, but I have some A1s. This was a good piece. I agree about the music bed. That would've given it some interest. I also would make a comment about the composition. I would like to see some kind of different perspective from a piece about the falls. Show me something I'm not likely to see otherwise. Also, I have to say it, I don't like tripod panning shots. I just don't. I don't really know why, but I would love to see some very interesting static shots mixed with some actual moving shots. Good start, and look forward to seeing more from you. Get in touch with me if you want, we may also have some work for you...
Keegan Flynn May 13th, 2008, 08:18 PM Very smooth motion, did you shoot at 60i?
Christopher Neville May 14th, 2008, 07:51 AM I would like to see some kind of different perspective from a piece about the falls. Show me something I'm not likely to see otherwise.
I'll try that. Next time I go out, I experiment with some different angles to see what I can get.
Christopher Neville May 14th, 2008, 07:52 AM Very smooth motion, did you shoot at 60i?
I shot at 30p with a shutter speed of 1/60th.