View Full Version : Audio Missing Why?

John Stakes
May 13th, 2008, 07:35 AM
Hello All,
I am fairly new to Premier, but have been editing for about 2 years. I am working on my second project in CS3 and I THOUGHT I completed it lastnight. I played it once through and everything was fine. This morning when I opened the project to make some final adjustments, I play it through and noticed I lost the last 2 minutes or so of (captured) audio. The cut tracks are still there, but there is no waveform. And the audio I imported is still there. To my knowledge, I did not change anything for this to happen, unless by accident (I know what shortcut keys can do when not paying attention). And I don't think I messed with any of Adobe's created folders...even if I did they would just be re-created I think.

Any ideas?

thanks in advance!

John Stakes
May 13th, 2008, 11:31 AM
just an extra piece of info. I have two audio tracks, one for the music, and one for the production audio. The music is fine. The production audio plays as normal for the first part of the video, but the last two minutes or so simply have no waveform/sound.

John Stakes
May 15th, 2008, 08:09 AM
anybody with ANY idea at ALL??

I have re-done the project due to time constraints, but I would at least like to know if someone has an idea of what happened. Let me know if I could further clarify my situation.
