View Full Version : Strange problem with Vimeo

Viimar Lindau
May 12th, 2008, 06:54 AM
My question is maybe little bit off topic for this thread but as I know many of are using Vimeo then maybe someone can answer to my question or has experienced the same problem.

Just few days ago I noticed strange thing with Vimeo where HD video had problems playing in full screen. It is playing OK in standard 640x360 window but as soon as I hit the full screen button it can’t handle playing it anymore. Result looks like frame rate has dropped to 10fps and it is blurry. Yes, I waited when video was fully downloaded before hitting Play. Yes, I installed the latest Flash player from Adobe recommended by Vimeo.

It feels like it has no enough power to play it or something. CPU usage during HD full screen flash video is 50-60%.
At the same time another HD video portal ExposureRoom is doing fine in HD.
When I play HD video captured from my A1 full screen, again everything is fine. Compressed 720p H.264 is also playing fine straight from hard disk.

Lately I’ve been tested all sort of different players and codec packs. So I want to know whether I have f*#%ed up something and created this problem myself in my PC or it is general issue with Vimeo. About a week ago everything was OK with Vimeo.

Video I used for testing was “Las Vegas” by Steven Dempsey,
It is a very nice video and happens to be in both places.

For past two days I’ve been trying to figure it out but with no luck.
Any help would be appreciated!

Tripp Woelfel
May 12th, 2008, 07:28 AM
Being a Vimeo user myself, I haven't had your problem so I have no direct input on the issue. However, you might have better luck asking the question on the Vimeo blogs. The Vimeo staff who post there probably will give you better information more quickly than anyone here.

Andy Wilkinson
May 12th, 2008, 07:37 AM
This is a very common problem with Vimeo for many users (myself included) and has been made worse recently due to their reduction of the bit rate for playback. This thread (below) sums it up really from the way I see it.

Look in the DVD and web delivery section on this forum for some excellent alternatives for HD playback to Vimeo (e.g. hostmedia and exposure room, thr latter you already know about). Both still emerging but technically capable of far better playback in HD than Vimeo (IMHO!) because they use the excellent DivX format.

Will Mahoney
May 12th, 2008, 02:02 PM
I noticed that problem myself. Or I had a video uploaded that looked great on Friday, but I check it on Monday and it is all choppy. I've been unhappy with Vimeo.

So I just use ExposureRoom. You can post blogs and articles, leave feedback and ratings on people's videos, it's a whole community thing and I dig it. Plus, I do some commercial work too and Vimeo doesn't allow any advertisements. So even though it's my "work" I'm trying to show and not the product in question, I can't post there. Keep that in mind...

Viimar Lindau
May 12th, 2008, 03:30 PM
Thanks to everyone for your comments.
At least now I know that I'm not alone out there.
I also signed up @ ExposureRoom.

Alex Plank
May 12th, 2008, 05:00 PM
I noticed that problem myself. Or I had a video uploaded that looked great on Friday, but I check it on Monday and it is all choppy. I've been unhappy with Vimeo.

So I just use ExposureRoom. You can post blogs and articles, leave feedback and ratings on people's videos, it's a whole community thing and I dig it. Plus, I do some commercial work too and Vimeo doesn't allow any advertisements. So even though it's my "work" I'm trying to show and not the product in question, I can't post there. Keep that in mind...

Pretty sure Vimeo allows ads to be uploaded: ( )

Richard Gooderick
May 12th, 2008, 06:00 PM
Hi Andy

I'm not a huge fan of the Vimeo navigation interface but the HD playback works great on my MacBook for all kinds of films.

You said in this thread
that you were going to try out Vimeo on friends' MacBook. I'm wondering if you had a chance to do that?

Andy Wilkinson
May 13th, 2008, 01:03 AM
Yes, he tells me he gets stuttering with Vimeo HD on his (only few months old) Macbook Pro with broadband connection, regardless of time of day or night etc.

Richard Gooderick
May 13th, 2008, 01:25 AM
Oh well. He does and I don't.
I don't know what conclusion can be drawn from that.

BTW I just played this video flawlessly. Does it stutter for you?

Will Mahoney
May 13th, 2008, 06:17 AM
Pretty sure Vimeo allows ads to be uploaded: ( )

Here are the three "rules" that Vimeo posts:
1. You created it, or participated closely in its creation. No TV shows or footage you found on the web.
2. It does not contain pornography.
3. It is not a commercial, infomercial or other type of advertisement.

Number 3 is the deal killer for me.

Richard Gooderick
May 13th, 2008, 01:45 PM
Here are the three "rules" that Vimeo posts:
1. You created it, or participated closely in its creation. No TV shows or footage you found on the web.
2. It does not contain pornography.
3. It is not a commercial, infomercial or other type of advertisement.

Number 3 is the deal killer for me.

Vimeo is free, which I find pretty amazing. I suppose that they have to limit their exposure somehow. They must be losing a lot of money at the moment.

I've seen rumours that they are planning to introduce a paid-for commercial option soon.