Giroud Francois
May 12th, 2008, 06:12 AM
For those who need a wide angle solution with no (or very small) picture distorsion, there is a nice and cheap solution.(very nice to shoot wedding is small and crowdy places)
At the good old time of film camera (super 8 and 16mmm), there was a lens called Aspheric. It is still available in the video world under the name of RED-EYE.
the good point of aspheric lenses, is they give you very wide angle without bending wall and floor.
The bad point, is they are expensive to build, do not allow zooming, and go easy on the flare with lights.
Since the era of 8mm and 16mm film is already done, you can find on Ebay a lot of aspheric lenses for cheap.
look on brand names like Schneider, Bolex, Eumig, Beaulieu. the prices goes from 5 to 50$.
For example i got for 15$ an EUMIG PMaspheric that just screw nicely in my VX2000, giving a field of view a lot wider than my 400$ Canon wide-angle, without any bendind in straight lines.
you can find some for new, but the prices are higher.
sample from ebay from%3DR2%26fvi%3D1
and here 180232362588%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1
here they got everything as new.
At the good old time of film camera (super 8 and 16mmm), there was a lens called Aspheric. It is still available in the video world under the name of RED-EYE.
the good point of aspheric lenses, is they give you very wide angle without bending wall and floor.
The bad point, is they are expensive to build, do not allow zooming, and go easy on the flare with lights.
Since the era of 8mm and 16mm film is already done, you can find on Ebay a lot of aspheric lenses for cheap.
look on brand names like Schneider, Bolex, Eumig, Beaulieu. the prices goes from 5 to 50$.
For example i got for 15$ an EUMIG PMaspheric that just screw nicely in my VX2000, giving a field of view a lot wider than my 400$ Canon wide-angle, without any bendind in straight lines.
you can find some for new, but the prices are higher.
sample from ebay from%3DR2%26fvi%3D1
and here 180232362588%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1
here they got everything as new.