View Full Version : HELP!! Dynamic Link for Dummies!

Craig Lieberman
May 8th, 2008, 08:12 PM
Ok, so I must be retarded...

I have a series of clips in PPCS3 that are edited together, for about 4 minutes worth of video.

Now, I want to drag that into AE CS3 and add some special effects, i.e. Vignetting, old film look, etc.

What's the right way?

Thought I could use Dynamic Link, but I must be retarded and can't figure it out.

Before, I was outputting the sequence, bringing into AE CS3 as an MP4, then altering it and Dynamic Linking back into PP CS3. Is there a better way?

Paolo Ciccone
May 9th, 2008, 08:20 AM
You can simply import the PPro project inside AE. From AE press Cmd/Ctrl-I, select the PPro project, choose "all" when AE asks which sequence you want to import, after a few seconds you should have an AE prject with a comp for each sequence in PPro and all the assests imported as well.

Craig Lieberman
May 9th, 2008, 11:59 AM
Mmmm, that ain't brings in the assets in raw, unedited format, while I'm trying to bring in the edited sequence.

to be clear:

I've built a sequence in PP's done. Ready to go. It needs only some special effects applied.

I want to get that clip, which may only be 1 minute of an 8 minute clip, into CS3.

To bring in all the assets from the 8 minute clip into AE is not going to work.

I just want the 1 minute of the 8 minute clip, intact, into AE. Is there a way?

Paolo Ciccone
May 9th, 2008, 04:32 PM
Mmmm, that ain't brings in the assets in raw, unedited format, while I'm trying to bring in the edited sequence.

There should be a sequence-turned-comp in the folder of the project

Steve Oakley
May 14th, 2008, 10:42 PM
old film, vingetting ? you can very easily do that all directly in Prem Pro without going to AE. PP is a decent compositor on its own

Craig Lieberman
May 15th, 2008, 07:10 PM
Hi Steve;

I can't seem to find those presets. Can you describe the process? Are you doing this with Masks?

Steve Oakley
May 15th, 2008, 07:55 PM
vingetting effect is as simple as placing a TGA with alpha on the top most track with dark corners and clear center.

as for old film, no there are no presets. you need to define what old film is - then grab the filter combination to do the job. if its nothing more then duping the clip, blur, apply mode, thats pretty straight forwards. maybe a tint or levels filter.

if you have BCC filters they have a couple of filters that work very well.

Matthew Ebenezer
May 16th, 2008, 12:28 AM
Hey Craig,

What about putting the 1 minute of footage inside a nested sequence that sits within the full 8 minute clip - then import the 1 minute sequence into AE?

Just an idea - I haven't used Dynamic Link much but thought I'd throw the idea out there.



Craig Lieberman
May 16th, 2008, 09:07 AM
That's what I've been doing...obviously, I have to render out the 1 minute clip in some fashion...either as a .mov or .avi, whatever, then bringing it into AE.

I was looking for a shortcut with Dynamic Link, which appears to link AE BACK to PP does NOT link PP CS3 directly to AE. Weird, and yet another example of Adobe PP's silly idiosyncrasies.