View Full Version : Colour Space Management with Nvidia

Deniz Ahmet
May 8th, 2008, 05:40 AM
I've finally calibrated what I have on my Camcorder LCD with my Premiere project window and my final output (10bit Bravia panel). I'm getting subjectively identical colours and luminosity on each display, so I can colour correct with confidence. However I have only managed to achieve this buy turning off 'FORCE YUV DESKTOP PLAYBACK' option in Cineform.

Does this mean when I finish to DVD/BD everything will mess up again as it returns to YUV colour space? Or in other words, must you only colour correct using YUV on?

Thank you

For those interested. I used the latest Nvidia control Panel, Under Video & Television >Adjust video colour settings > select "with the video player settings"
I also ticked under 3D settings > adjust image settings > use my preference emphasising quality

Then in Premiere playback settings I turned off Cineform's FORCE YUV option, and ticked Disable Preview Mode.

All these changes gave me the highest quality project window display.

David Newman
May 8th, 2008, 08:23 AM
Your BluRay and DVD are not impacted by NVidia's lack of stable YUV support. You can color correct with confidence using the RGB mode.

Douglas Turner
May 12th, 2008, 07:01 PM

I'll try your suggestions tonight.

My Premiere project window in scrub and play is identical now (after switching off YUV), but when I play an exported CFHD avi in Media Player Classic or Windows Media Player, the colours go warmer, possible more saturated.

I'm assuming this is an Nvidia problem.

It's hard to colour correct and grade with total confidence, as I really can't afford the Prospect upgrade from Aspect and the hardware to allow previewing on an external monitor.

Cheers, Doug.