View Full Version : Maybe Amazon S3

Scott Brickert
May 6th, 2008, 02:35 AM
The clock reads 2:27. Unfortunately that's a.m. I couldn't sleep, so I got up to look. The green dashed bar reads 85% Aahh

I would've been asleep by now, but for some reason, after previewing the entire 8 minute clip at a quality level of Preview-Quarter, where it all looked smooth and beautiful, it rendered out hurky jerky and lousey. So that put the fear in me. Now what, I'm out of time.

Maybe i rendered it at Best setting, and that was too much, bringing my OC'd E2160 to it's knees (see attached pic). I'll try Good........better yet, maybe rendering it to WMV9 720-24p would be a good check. That seemed to render pretty fast.

Well, here we are, now it's reading 87%.

How the [ ] can we be creative when it takes hours to see what out changes actually look like?

Enter Amazon S3, aka Amazon Web Services. I bet if we got Vegas Pro loaded on there, and somehow the files were there, we could have Real Time Preview.

Or not. It is almost 3a.m., after all.

Scott Brickert
May 6th, 2008, 09:18 AM
it's 9:11 a.m. and the train is back on the track.

It turns out that my last minute decision to render out a 60i project at 24p was a bad idea. Returning to the DVDA Widescreen 60i template restored the buttery smoothness I'd been seeing even at a preview rate of Draft-Quarter.

ProDad Mercalli is a great tool, as is Neat Video. And they are both render resource hogs.