View Full Version : XL1 DV Dubbing

October 8th, 2001, 01:24 PM
O.K., this may be elementary school material for most, but I'm from the East Texas Swamps so cut me some slack.

I got the DV terminal to work as "line-in" to record from the computer back to the tape. How do you turn that function off? Do you even need to turn it off althought the viewfinder says "DV in"?

Likewise, will the DV out function of the XL1 export the time code ontop of the video as it does when using a capture card.

Final question, and don't laugh too hard. I was told that the XL1 can output directly in mpeg. Is that true?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Don Palomaki
October 8th, 2001, 07:50 PM
The XL1 should display "DV In" only if there is a DV signal present on at the firewire input while the XL1 is in VCR Record mode (see page 58 of the XL1 manual).

A firewire copy made on another consumer/prosumer MiniDV camcorder generally will have new timecode that will not match the timecode of the original. BTW this is a way to recover from broken time code caused by gaps in recorded video ona tape.

The XL1 digital output is DV, not MPEG.

October 8th, 2001, 11:12 PM
I guess the capability of copy the timecode during a tape dubing depends the device you're using to record. XL1 will always send timecode/data code/datestamp info out through firewire during pback.

According to what i've read, XL1S has adjustable timecode what makes me believe that this new cam can record timecode from other devices.

October 9th, 2001, 07:10 AM
Thanks, your info helps greatly!