View Full Version : Ha-Ha! Finally got a short post for my HF10..

Jim Cancil
May 5th, 2008, 04:23 PM
After watching YouTube, I wondered if posting videos would ever be worth it. I got a Vimeo account and did a simple posting of my waterproof Sanyo, but I got this Canon HF10 to see if I could really get something worth looking at... Maybe!?

This a short - but HEAVY - clip that I hung on one of my sites rather than look for a freebie host. It misses out on the 'community' you get posting elbow-to-elbow, but I want to use the camera for business where presentation means more to me than community.

I basically set the camera on auto and fired. I use a monopod because the camera is too small for me to hold still. I need to RTFM to slow down the tele/wide movement.. but I'm impressed.

I'm a Mac user and love my ftp app. - Transmit - I use it for all my stuff. Except, I found this really neat app meant only for movies:

This is the neatest thing (for a dummy like me) because it encodes the movie and ftp's it all in one shot. I picked the Mac TV format as it makes for a big window ..but it does make for a heavy file...but Hell, this is frickin' HD ..not some weenie vid.

I need to perhaps change the format because both Safari and Firefox dnld the whole thing ..then require you to dbl-click to start the vid. Most of my people need auto-run features.. Anyway, inching along.


Jim Cancil
May 6th, 2008, 09:04 AM
I don't think I could pimp enough for this dvcCast app. I went back and set up some random parameters (understand: I don't have a clue..) to knock the size/load time down.. So this time I picked: 640x480 ..but the program said my original was not the same size, and asked if I'd like it "corrected" (whatever that means - it made it 640x360) .. and then I picked 2200kbs out of a long list of kbs's (I assume playback speeds - you can actually preview in a long list of speeds before you upld) and uploaded that one. Now this sucker loads and plays fast!

j i m now I'll be able to give my people a choice between: 'Just show me your sh/t.' and 'JumboTron'.