View Full Version : Music video question.
Alex Knappenberger July 15th, 2003, 10:45 AM Hey, is it OK to have the band members also act in the music video (like do the story part also)? Or would that not look/seem right for some reason? This is for a 80's style (even though they are all 16-18, heh) metal band, and I was just thinking of something classic and simple like, the lead singer stabs some dude (i don't know why though) and he calls up the other band members, and they come and chop the body up and put it into garbage bags, and put it in the back of their car, and go and burn it...thats it in a nutshell, in what I just described there, thats like 20 shots, atleast.....
Would that work?
Also, how do I do my best to make sure everyone has fun while sitting there for 8 or so hours shooting it? The band members who I am doing the music video with, were like "yeah, it should be pretty fun"....and I didn't really say anything, because I know thats not the case.
Alex Taylor July 15th, 2003, 10:59 AM The Foo Fighters do it all the time :) I think it would definitely work!
I don't think you should have to worry about the waiting around, if they're all friends then it should be a fun and relaxed atmosphere for them.
Keith Loh July 15th, 2003, 11:05 AM Dylan and I shot "Hit and Run" from 10am to 10pm with an average of eight people on set all the time. You have to make sure people get fed, make sure that they are occupied. They have to sit around a lot so hopefully the other people sitting with them are interesting enough to talk to. I have 10 people in the party scene and, hey, it's a party! So people stand around and talk and drink while it is happening. It's useful to have someone act as a PA who can do running around and can get people ready. Also rehearsals. Some people you can tell to go off and come back at a certain time and again it's useful to have a PA who can call these people and get them back on set. Whenever you let someone off the set then it takes time to get them back on so be aware that it slips the time. You can try scheduling people to show up at a certain time but that won't ever be definite and you will have to wait.
Tor Salomonsen July 15th, 2003, 11:38 AM If it don't work, it's not because you let the musicians act. People are used to that kind of doubling. Go and watch an Elvis movie. Jailhouse rock or King Creole are probably the best.
Alex Dunn July 15th, 2003, 11:54 AM Agreed, it is the accepted norm. However, if you look at all the bands in the 80's that did that kind of thing I think you'll agree it's kind of cheesy.
But bear in mind, I don't really like "concept" videos at all. I've always preferred "live" style videos, so you may want to discount my opinion
Glen Elliott July 15th, 2003, 12:43 PM Look at some of the Foo Fighters videos...I'm sure it's fine for the band members to actually play characters in their own video. Besides even if it "isn't" "is"- meaning there are no "rules", better yet there are..but they are meant to be broken. It's young people like you, Alex, that are to innovate- make your own rules. :)
That's what art is about.
And your right- shoots aren't always fun. People don't realize how repedetive it can be having to do shots (sometimes) dozens of times over.
Alex Knappenberger July 15th, 2003, 12:53 PM Thanks guys.
One thing I don't want this video to be is "cheesy", i've already promised them that it's not going to be "corny". Honestly, the really only way to make it not "corny" is to make it totally goofy, because think about it, they aren't serial killers and they will probably be chopping up a body in the video, and they don't do that in real life, so that automatically would make it corny, mainly to people who know them.
It's kind of like my friend, he only has been playing guitar for a few months, and he is terrible, and he is already putting together a band, and to top it off, he wants it to be serious. He is terrible, his drummer is terrible, his bassist is terrible, and he doesn't even have a vocalist yet. Like I said, the worst part about it is he is trying to make serious death metal songs, I tried to tell him people are going to laugh at them, because if they are singing some crap and sucking so bad, people will nod their heads and laugh at them, he even does it himself to some crappy local bands. BUT, like I told him, if they do all funny songs, with funny lyrics, then people won't laugh at them, instead they will laugh with them and with the funny lyrics, you know what I mean? It's the difference of being terrible musicians and having the vocalist scream "RAAAWRRR I SLIT MY WRIST AHHH!!" or having him scream "RAAAAWRR I **** MY PANTS AHH!!!"....having a song about crapping your pants instead of killing yourself (which has been done 284284 times) would instantly break the ice and have them accepted. Anyway, that sort of related to that...hahaha (oh yeah, that isn't the band the video is for, the band the video is for is awesome.)
Here, I put up a song from the band I am doing this video for (don't know what song we'll be doing though, theres like 7 of them), they are called harsh manner and are 100% local, they have been a band for like 5 years or something like that, and they are all only 16-18 years old...they rock, oh yeah, my cousin is the guitarist's girlfriend. :D There's no doubt in my mind that these dudes won't get signed sometime, the drummer and guitarist are brothers, and they are the both awesome musicians, i'm still waiting for them to get their freakin CD finished too.
(Personal FTP, Right click > Save target as, 5MB)
Mark Moore July 15th, 2003, 02:50 PM Quote:
"He is terrible, his drummer is terrible, his bassist is terrible, and he doesn't even have a vocalist yet. Like I said, the worst part about it is he is trying to make serious death metal songs, . . ."
Sounds like he is trying to make serious death for the audience!
Good luck with this. Maybe the video will somehow help them! Post a link when you're done.
Tor Salomonsen July 15th, 2003, 02:55 PM Wait a minute. Was the band you were talking about (the one with all bad players and no vocalist) the same band you are making the video for? I didn't think so, but Mark obviously did.
Mark Moore July 15th, 2003, 02:58 PM Oops. Did I misread the post? Sorry.
I did. Sorry. I read too fast. I actually wanted to see the "bad band"!!! I'm a "Trustee" now and still can't read.
Tor Salomonsen July 15th, 2003, 03:23 PM I've been playing in bands since 1965. No one has ever asked me to chop someone up. Been tempted to volunteer, though.
Here's your next music video. It's from real life: When we were young and tried to look innocent, another band in our city had a problem with their bass player. He was terrible, but he was so big that no one dared sack him. So he stayed on. This is where your next music video begins...
Mark Moore July 15th, 2003, 04:14 PM Tor, that would make a great short. I bunch of guys (good musicians and one really bad one) get together to start a band. Each one begins playing and the bad one (the biggest dude in the band) can't play a lick, but no one dares to say anything.
It could be very entertaining! Sounds just like an old episode of I LOVE LUCY!!!
Tor Salomonsen July 15th, 2003, 04:37 PM I have no idea what I love Lucy is, but I trust you're not being ironic with me. Anyway - another band, not permanent put together for a tour, had a guitarist (I'm not sure how you can say not very pleasant in four letters - or five - without being not very polite). But after the last set on the last day, the band ganged up and beat him up. He was a big fella too, so none of them could have taken him on alone.
K. Forman July 15th, 2003, 05:13 PM I had problems trying to explain I Love Lucy to a Swedish band I was doing a Video storyboard for. Some things just don't cross the ocean, and others do. I Love Lusy was a 50's-60's sit com starring Lucielle Ball and her hubby Desi Arnez.
John Locke July 15th, 2003, 06:08 PM Tor,
Just about every episode of Lucy was the same... Lucy was presented with some conundrum and instead of facing the issue, tried to sidestep it, then the comedy began. So your story is similar...although I don't believe Fred, Ethel, and Ricky beat up Lucy in the last episode.
Alex Knappenberger July 15th, 2003, 06:55 PM No ones commented on how good they are (the song I posted)? You have to wait for the solo, jimmy rocks.
Oh yeah, and no, I wasn't talking about these guys when I said they were terrible, i'm talking about one of my other friends band, not Harsh Manner, HM rocks.
I'll plug it again for anyone who missed the post. :D
Here, I put up a song from the band I am doing this video for (don't know what song we'll be doing though, theres like 7 of them), they are called harsh manner and are 100% local, they have been a band for like 5 years or something like that, and they are all only 16-18 years old...they rock, oh yeah, my cousin is the guitarist's girlfriend. :D There's no doubt in my mind that these dudes won't get signed sometime, the drummer and guitarist are brothers, and they are the both awesome musicians, i'm still waiting for them to get their freakin CD finished too.
(Personal FTP, Right click > Save target as, 5MB)
Mark Moore July 15th, 2003, 07:43 PM Haha. Sorry Tor. No, I wasn't being ironic, nor was I trying to make fun. I think the story is a great idea for a short film (if you aren't going to use it, I might try to make it sometime - I'll give you credit for the idea!).
Thanks all for explaining ILL for me. I forget not everyone shares my antiquated tastes (or on this global forum - even knows what they are sometimes)!
As for Fred, Ethel and Ricky not beating up Lucy - Ricky frequently spanked her (would tv-husbands get away with that now?), and threatened to throttle her (choke, maim, etc.). I remember the three of them stuck shaving brushes in her mouth once. But you're correct, I don't think they beat her up.
Alex, I did listen to the mp3. I'm just not a metal fan, so I couldn't give a good review - except that the music is tight and played well. However to me, it sounds like every other metal song I've heard! Sorry.
I still would like to see or hear the 'bad' band!
Ivan Hedley Enger July 16th, 2003, 12:34 AM Keith wrote: "Some things just don't cross the ocean" BUT, this one really did.
Itīs some years ago now, so maybe Tor have forgotten or maybe he is to young, but we had our share of Lucy allright. At the time I was a big fan of her, I found her show very funny and watched every episode I was able too.
I guess you are right John, but even though every episode was the same, I still loved it.
Tor Salomonsen July 16th, 2003, 01:43 AM When the name Lucille Ball was mentioned, I got it. The show was called Lucy Show over here. My family didn't have TV those days. So I don't know anything about the plot. But I know that sit-coms are boiling a new soup on the same stone every week, so I'm not surprised to hear that all episodes were practically the same.
...maybe he is too young indeed. Ivan, I'm ten years your senior. I'm gonna have a listen to Harsh Manner now. If I can only find my hearing aid.
Tor Salomonsen July 16th, 2003, 12:28 PM It sounded cleaner than I'd have thought, especially when the singer is on, but it's probably not the final mix. So why does it remind me of Thin Lizzie? Probably the contrast between a rather soft male voice and that particular guitar sound. They had that, and Harsh Manners, even though the singer is harshing himself up as much as he can, has some of it, too. Well done, but I think you should look for a song with a more powerful refrain. When they sing "wic-ked world" with a break in the middle of wicked, they take away what little singing power that word has.
(If they were singing "Dying world" the meaning would be intact, they'd have a much stronger refrain, and it would link beautifully with your video. But far be it from me to suggest anything.)
Anyway, good luck. Don't make all cuts on the beat.
Alex Knappenberger July 16th, 2003, 12:35 PM Jeez, are you a professional at something with music? lol.. Opps (edit) i see that you are a song writer...
Eh, actually that is the final mix, they paid lots and lots and lots of money to record that stuff and have it mixed by this dude, and the dude that mixed it is good, but he didn't put in nearly enough low end. It sounds a lot better on the CD though, thats a crappy MP3 rip that one of the band members did real quick.
Joe, the Vocalist is always depressed about his vocal performance, he is always like "man I am so terrible, i suck". I made a small suggestion to them to maybe have one of their friends (chad) do backup vocals, because his voice is very deep and it would add some low end to the vocals (plus he was already in a band, and he sounds good singing) since joe's singing is high pitched, heh.
Regardless, the band as a whole is amazing, and you'd really have to see them live...
Your suggestion of "dying world" is a good one, that would of probably sounded/worked better for that song....
Tor Salomonsen July 16th, 2003, 12:50 PM I'm a songwriter.
I may not go to Ohio to see Harsh Manners live, but I'll be waiting for your video.
K. Forman July 16th, 2003, 01:41 PM Tor- What kind of music do you write? Anything online we can check out?
Tor Salomonsen July 16th, 2003, 03:57 PM Been writing mostly rock over the years. Done a little for film, too - long time ago. I've got a web site (sadly neglected), it's focused on the lyric side of writing. There are some samples. Unfortunately they are in Real Audio format. I want to change to vma, but haven't had the time yet. About the samples, I've written all lyrics, plus music for all that's under the heading Asfalt.
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