View Full Version : Quick review on the Zylight Z90

Marshall Levy
May 1st, 2008, 10:17 PM
I have used just about every light on the market, those that run on disposable batteries, portable battery packs, tethered systems, all sorts of everything. I've done reviews on the LED based lights in the past and since I'm seemingly obsessed with new toys and spending money, I recently got a Z90. I reviewed a Z50 a while ago but it was only for reviewal purposes and wasn't able to actually own it. So, a small fortune later, I now have a Z90 kit.

I haven't used it for filming anything yet, but here is some initial info that might be helpful to some...

For comparative purposes, I'm comparing the Z90 to that of the LitePanels MiniPlus and Sony HVL-LBP

(quick synopsis from full review that I did last year)

LitePanels MiniPlus ($~900 for light and power option, full 2-light kits upwards of $2500)
~about 10oz without batteries or other attachments
+pleasant, even light
+gradual dimming
+low profile, well balanced
+multiple power options
+low heat, proper dispersion
+option of color temperature
~wide spread very even, through is decent with gradual dropoff
-does not dim to 0%
-battery options require heavy on-cam weight or tethering with cable
-requires tilt bracket

Sony HVL-LBP ($500)
~about a pound without battery
+well-placed dimmer
+diffuser and spot filters included (barndoors don't really do too much)
+great throw, decent spread, not as much as the litepanels (Sony's beam is more circular than LP's rectangular throw)
+runs off Sony batteries, about 4-hours with 970, at full brightness
+battery capacity status light
+all-in-one, including the tilt feature and has 1/4" internal thread on shoe underside w/ screw
~day-light balanced
-very spotty close up, <5'
-on the heavy side unless you opt for the tethering cable
-electronic genuine battery check which delays startup time by a few seconds - not instant on
-does not dim to 0%

ZyLight Z90 ($~900+ depending on options and kits)
~about a pound without anything attached
+2 hotkeys, daylight and tungsten default
+dial particular temperature, color, and saturation (awesome features but is completely impractical to do run-and-gun as it takes several buttons to do this effectively)
+solid construction and low profile
+wider beam than the Sony and LPand more even
+can wirelessly link and control multiple lights w/ separate remote available mid-summer ($400-$500 speculated w/ 50' LOS)
~rear dimmer, slow, but consistent (I prefer the Sony's dimmer much better, and also how it's on the left side)
~1/4" thread on top and bottom
-must have separate arm bracket or tilt shoe for camera attachment
-barndoors are highly effective but create some bad top/bottom shadows due to separation between doors and light
-insanely bright and while that's a good thing, diffusing this is a must for dancing - it will literally blind someone when at about 50% or higher
-gets very hot when on for ~30+ minutes, continuous, at 50% power or higher; I practically burned myself when testing output levels
-power requires 12V, 2-1/2A, which implies a D-tap, XLR/CL battery or other equivalent (9-24V total)
-slight squealing noise when tuning colors and saturation (normal with potentiometers and led circuitry; typically, this is outside of the human ears' realm but this can be heard and possibly picked up with a mic close-by

I had a custom battery made based on specs that I wanted which powers the light at 50% power for about 6 hours and 100% at just over 3 hours. Oh, and the battery I had made is about the size of a Sony 970 battery and I also had a clip made for it so it can be affixed to the camera. Awesome. I may even market this! :)

Hope the above helps!

Also, I have three Sony HVL-LBP lights, and am going to be selling one of them next week. The one being sold was purchased Oct. 2007 and used for about 7-8 hours total.

Hart Boyd
May 2nd, 2008, 06:13 AM
Marshall thanks for excellent post as I am looking into getting some Z90's and your information is most helpful. I don't have any dealers in my area so I can't go check them out so if you answer a few questions that would be great.

-barndoors are highly effective but create some bad top/bottom shadows due to separation between doors and light

Can you post some pictures of the issue you see with the barndoors and the Z90?

-gets very hot when on for ~30+ minutes, continuous, at 50% power or higher; I practically burned myself when testing output levels

From all the reviews or video's I have seen they say the units stays cool to the touch so it is good to hear actual experence and know what to expect.

-power requires 12V, 3A, which implies a D-tap, XLR/CL battery or other equivalent

From their website it lists power requirements from 7-24V but I was either going to run off A/C or a PowerTap so that should not matter.


Sean Seah
May 2nd, 2008, 09:52 AM
wat is yr personal preference if I were to use it at a wedding? Pls drop me a PM if u intend to sell the Sony LED :)

Marshall Levy
May 2nd, 2008, 10:57 AM
I think in terms of a wedding, the Sony light would probably prove more realistic based on the functions and dimmer placement, as well as the spot/focusing filter if needed. Even though its daylight balanced, the diffuser and proper camera balancing do a nice job. Unless you want color effects and such, you won't need the ZyLight, but at the same time, the ZyLight's ability to instantly swith between daylight and tungsten, or any other preset/preferred color setting certainly has its benefits. I do a lot of shadows and colors as it is so I know the ZyLight will be better in my case. Same goes with corporate work / interviews. The Zylight can be used for an immediate color effect without the use of gels.

Simon Hunt
May 3rd, 2008, 01:20 AM
I currently have a demo unit of the Z90. It's quite impressive. I have yet to test it on camera but with my Minolta color meter I did notice an "offset" between the ct reading on the light and the reading on the meter. But as the literature on their web site says that could be due to the way the Minolta measures color, so I want to wait to see how it looks on camera. In "gel" mode you can dial in steps of magenta to green. This can be very helpful in some real life situations, such as under fluorescents, or "vapor" lights, etc. The steps are a bit to "big" for me, i.e. to much change in each step. Again with this I want to see how it looks on camera. "Color" mode is good, cycles through the colors, red-blue-green and everything between, cool!

Everything seems to work as advertised. The unit does heat up considerably. In my 1 hour color test the cooling fins were hot to the touch after about 15 minutes. This is probably due to the levels that the Zylight "drives" the LED's at to achieve it's performance. Good news though, in the 1 hour test little or no color shift occurred.

More info after I test the unit on camera.

Simon Hunt,

Charles Papert
May 3rd, 2008, 07:47 AM

The Litepanel does indeed dim to 0% but it is not a perfectly smooth fader effect, there are a few hitches in levels on the way down. I have mine motorized for onboard fill light on the Steadicam and it is the only unit of its type which can be dimmed to off, which is important when moving past a reflective surface. I had high hopes for the Zylight and spent some time with it at NAB but learning that it did not dim all the way down was a deal-killer unfortunately, I really liked the remote dimming capability (currently I have to use an outboard motor on the Litepanel).

I know this is somewhat esoteric for most people's usage of these units but thought I would at least identify the dimming capability.

Marshall Levy
May 3rd, 2008, 09:24 AM

The Litepanel does indeed dim to 0% but it is not a perfectly smooth fader effect, there are a few hitches in levels on the way down. I have mine motorized for onboard fill light on the Steadicam and it is the only unit of its type which can be dimmed to off, which is important when moving past a reflective surface. I had high hopes for the Zylight and spent some time with it at NAB but learning that it did not dim all the way down was a deal-killer unfortunately, I really liked the remote dimming capability (currently I have to use an outboard motor on the Litepanel).

I know this is somewhat esoteric for most people's usage of these units but thought I would at least identify the dimming capability.

Interesting, because my LP's don't dim to 0%, but my Zylight does. Makes one wonder......

Floris van Eck
May 11th, 2008, 03:56 PM
Great post Marshall!

I am also looking for a light for use with my Canon XL-H1. I have a Anton Bauer kit mounted on the back so I prefer to use a 12v powertap connection. I am looking at the Litepanels and the ZyLight. The only thing I dislike about the Litepanel is that you need to choose between Daylight or Tungsten balanced. The great thing a bout the ZyLight is that you can instantly switch.

Did you use ZyLight's barndoors or other ones? And can you explain what the problem is exactly, I am not completely sure what you mean. And have you tried their softbox? From what I understand from your feedback, it could come in very handy. I must say I am still leaning towards the ZyLight. As with everything in and for filmmaking, there is always a trade off. Nothing is perfect. But the ZyLight 90 appears to be a pretty amazing light.

Charles Papert
May 11th, 2008, 04:05 PM

very confusing...

I spoked to the Zylight guys at NAB and discussed the dimming thing with them, too!


Most people order Litepanels in the daylight configuration as you can simply add the included full CTO gel to bring it down to tungsten; there is light loss but often you have more than enough for tungsten interior (vs daylight interior or exterior where light levels are usually higher).

Floris van Eck
May 11th, 2008, 04:23 PM
Thanks Charles.

I have some questions about the Litepanels.

- How easy is it to add/remove the gels?
- Flood/Spot -- which one works best for most situations?

I haven't ruled them out yet.

Marshall Levy
May 11th, 2008, 04:27 PM
I used the Z90 last night for an event, but this event really didn't warrant the need of a light - for details on that 'wonderful' post of the crapas* Z7U, go to that forum and enjoy the saga....

...but for the light, it's really a nice piece of equipment. I did some color effects with some room setups and such and it's nice to be able to quickly change temperature, etc.

...I have the barndoors which do a decent job and maintaining the light spill. At full brightness with the doors angled about 75%, some shadowing can be seen.

...I have the Anton Bauer micro light softbox - called something like that - about $80. Nice, soft, even light. It does narrow the wideness of the light, but it's nice for closeup shots without worrying about blinding anyone or blowing out the image. I attached it by angling the softbox brackets to the heatsink of the light - works great.

Floris van Eck
May 17th, 2008, 03:47 AM
Simon, did you test the unit yet?

Matt Gottshalk
May 17th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Thanks Charles.

I have some questions about the Litepanels.

- How easy is it to add/remove the gels?
- Flood/Spot -- which one works best for most situations?

I haven't ruled them out yet.

Removing/adding gels takes seconds.

Flood or spot depends on the kind of shooting that YOU do.

Floris van Eck
May 17th, 2008, 03:34 PM
And which one works best in which situation?

Floris van Eck
June 30th, 2008, 06:16 AM
Can anyone else share his or her experience with the ZyLight 90?

Charles Papert
June 30th, 2008, 10:05 AM
Following up on the dimming issue, I visited with the Zylight guys at Cinegear and asked them about dimming;the Z90 is definitely not capable of dimming to 0% (fully off). They demonstrated this to me. Marshall, can you discuss this further?

James Hooey
July 3rd, 2008, 11:14 PM
I concur that the z90 does not dim to 0%....however I really like the unit.

I originally bought a Litepanels micro for event/wedding videography and was flabergasted by it's low light output. It's been suggested in some other threads that others are finding low output levels from the Micro as well and have had replacement units that are far brighter so mabey that was my issue in that particular respect.

After replacing the Micro with the Z90 I am far happier with the Zylight. Everything from the build which is very solid and professional to it's functional ability is top notch.

It can be a very bright light at full 100% and I could see wanting a diffuser to soften it both for the talent and for the lighting effect. Having said that even as a bare light it is quite even and not particularly harsh looking which is surprising given that it's an LED light. I'd even consider it to be a soft looking light if I had to describe it's output.

I don't know if I'd say that it gets so hot that it almost burnd s you. The longest continuous on time I tired was about 30 minutes and it was quite warm but not so hot that the fins would actually burn skin.

I've done some night footage with it in some odd other job is security in a Canadian National Park and I often carry my camera and light with me while I patrol the campgrounds. I have come across some interesting animals in the pitch black that I couldn't resist getting some footage if for nothing else other than to identify them. One that comes to mind is a long billed bird just the other night right in the middle of the road. Of course by the time I had my camera and light out it was moving into the treeline. At between 10 to 15 feet distance I was lighting it pretty well and got some usable footage. After it was 20 feet or beyond I found that the light was dropping off too much to be very useful.

The Zylight is a pricey piece of gear but I consider it to be a very versatile and valuable tool.

Marshall Levy
July 4th, 2008, 07:52 AM
Following up on the dimming issue, I visited with the Zylight guys at Cinegear and asked them about dimming;the Z90 is definitely not capable of dimming to 0% (fully off). They demonstrated this to me. Marshall, can you discuss this further?

Yeah, perhaps I wrote that by mistake...I'll check my unit this weekend, but could have sworn it went to 0%....maybe I was thinking of another one. Regardless, it's a fantastic light and have three, and will be getting their wireless remote when it comes out in late summer.

Marius Boruch
July 9th, 2008, 09:08 PM
Could you please share with us your custom made battery (the size of 970!!! WOW)
would you post the picture of it. thanks in advance

Marshall Levy
July 10th, 2008, 08:47 PM
Could you please share with us your custom made battery (the size of 970!!! WOW)
would you post the picture of it. thanks in advance

I'd love to, but I'm in the process of having it developed for mainstream market. ETA is slated for dec/jan.

current specs - 12V / 50W / 3A
size - 3x2x1.5"
weight - 6 ounces
auto cutoff w/ power meter* (*tweaking this to make it more precise)

Jeroen Wolf
October 19th, 2008, 01:30 PM
I have a Z1 and am looking into the EX1/EX3. Own a Zylight 90 which I thought would fit on my Z1 but this light is designed for a larger, shoulderbased camera. This became even clearer when I discovered it was shipped with a powercable for drawing its power from a 'pro battery'. (obviously my fault for not doing proper research)
Even though I haven't been able to use the light on camera (it makes the camera very front-heavy, the hotshoe (w/Sony adapter) suddenly feels very flimsy and you won't be able to open/close the LCD because the light's rear-end blocks it, the investment has paid off. I have shot several commercial-type shorts and the light has proved invaluable. Quick, instant light on the floor(!) and every possible nook and crannie for lighting the talent's face- daylight or tungsten.
I own a tekkeon battery (never thought about also being to power the camera from this thing...) but haven't found out a neat arm/brace to attach it to the camera (or my Varizoom LSP shoulderbrace)

The EX1/3 won't have the problem with the LCD so using it as an on-camera light is an option again. Does anyone have a photo how it looks on these cameras and how they power it?


Marshall Levy
October 19th, 2008, 02:48 PM
I've been using my own batteries that I made / had developed. I know that doesn't help at all but there are other portable solutions that will power this light and are still small enough to attach to the camera. Many use the Tekkeon's, which work very well, but they are on the larger side.

Christopher Witz
October 19th, 2008, 03:25 PM
The zylight z90 has also been a great lighting tool for me.... I have discovered that a $40 energiser li-ion battery for lcd picture frames will power the z90 for about an hour... and the plug works in the zylight socket without alteration. ( hmm... just realized this batt might work for the pilot as well! )

Energizer | ER-PHOTO Universal Battery for Digital
Energizer | ER-PHOTO Universal Battery for Digital | ER-PHOTO (

Jeroen Wolf
October 20th, 2008, 03:23 AM
The zylight z90 has also been a great lighting tool for me.... I have discovered that a $40 energiser li-ion battery for lcd picture frames will power the z90 for about an hour... and the plug works in the zylight socket without alteration. ( hmm... just realized this batt might work for the pilot as well! )

This thing is bigger than the Tekkeon?! What camera do you use? And how do you attach the battery to the camera?

Christopher Witz
October 20th, 2008, 07:21 AM's about the size of a pack of cigs..... but with one end rounded off... the specs on b&h are wrong about the size.
I use it on a ex1, z90 on the zylight optional shoe mount.

Jeroen Wolf
October 20th, 2008, 09:48 AM's about the size of a pack of cigs..... but with one end rounded off... the specs on b&h are wrong about the size.
I use it on a ex1, z90 on the zylight optional shoe mount.

Pretty crucial info for a battery- very unlike B&H to give the wrong specs... but now I understand why you opted for this battery.

I have the shoe ball mount, btw, but it doesn't fit on the Z1 hotshoe- real pain in the b*tt. Guess the EX has a different hotshoe, as yours fits fine apparently.

Still curious to know where you place/attach the battery...

Marshall Levy
October 21st, 2008, 07:44 AM
The zylight z90 has also been a great lighting tool for me.... I have discovered that a $40 energiser li-ion battery for lcd picture frames will power the z90 for about an hour... and the plug works in the zylight socket without alteration. ( hmm... just realized this batt might work for the pilot as well! )

Energizer | ER-PHOTO Universal Battery for Digital
Energizer | ER-PHOTO Universal Battery for Digital | ER-PHOTO (

Wow, that's really great for it to last that long. May have to get one and try just for the heck of it. But my battery is smaller! :)

M. Paul El-Darwish
October 21st, 2008, 10:28 AM
Thanks for the review. My background in another domain compels me to ask:
Can you post a still image of the light shining on a blank white wall at Whatever you consider is interview distance (I use 8' as a benchmark). I'd be curious to know what the subject coverage in such a situation is like.
I see that it uses 7 LED emitters.Do you happen to know which emittters they are or can you post a macro shot of one?
As far as I can tell, the Lupine Betty 14 is the most powerful battery driven light (that's camcorder friendly)
Lupine Lighting Systems - Lightset - Betty 14 (
I'm someone will do more comparisons.